So here's a cool remix contest for people to work on! I hope you like it and learn something from it! Thanks yafee for the 8 bit lead.
Can't use more than 15 FX machines.
Have to use the lead melody.
Must be 2+ drops.
You can use as many HB's, pulvs, and drum machines as u want! :D
Deadline: July 20
Have fun!
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0 So, who wins ?
0 (link is only visible to registered users)
this is a remix, but i know the deadline passed through but still, just remixing, this is really great.
0 Solace open the remix and find out :p
0 i wish i knew how to make dat synth at 0:50 , i've been seeing it for a while now!
0 man ive been away and i just missed the dead line.......i did nothing special but i just published my remix....check it out...
0 judging was extremely hard, Pyrophillia's, docremixs', and DBs' were all really good
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0 wOOt I won! Good news on my birthday! For those of you who missed it (link is only visible to registered users)
Thamks Abstract it was great fun :) !
0 stupid AT wont let me post the results on my description :(
0 Results:
1. docremix. congrats!
2. tie: DB and Pyrophillia
3. tie: Skyvoicer and Kryptic
4. G Lumberjack
5. GaBeRock
honorable mention to Asclepeion for the atmosphere, but didnt change enough :/
0 btw...how many 303's can we use? :\
0 i know...im going to work on the structure tonight, maybe a few effetcs...then tomorrow work on final edits, EQ and volume. Ive been having trouble as to how to make the remix, but yesterday i sparked an idea :D
will have it possibly by the last day :3
0 two more days...