I'll most likely try to repub, because I'm not quite sure how everything sounds without lag(curse you timeline!) There are some things to say first, though:

I just wanted to say, this is the most dedicated I've been to making a track in nearly half a year.

That's huge for me.

Also wanted to say thanks to Jayfk for making this awesome challenge, even if it turned out way differently than I thought it would lol

And another thanks to Client, for teaching me some stuff about frequencies not too long ago. I finally got around to using it in a track, so this was a really fun this to do. I may not have used all I learned, but what I did learn definitely changed how I would have otherwise made the track, and opened up countless opportunities for me during this challenge.

Overall, hats off to everyone, thanks for listening, and I sincerely hope you all try out this challenge as well :)




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  • how did i make this??!?!?

  • collab?

    • I don't even know you, gotta get to know me first

  • cool sounddesign and maybe the most creative titel ;-)

  • Brooo that cover

    Is that a gaming set-up for women? Looks sick!

    • Fr Lmao i got my reading in for the week les goo

      (dont worry blu ur fine)

    • I'm not offended, and I wont delete the comment, I really don't think its my place to do so

      if other people are offended by it, I'll delete it, but honestly, I don't care about the comment itself either way lol

    27 more
  • how why what

    this blow up

    how why ah

    4 more
  • Impressed ! I love it, congrats :)

  • Why are you worried abt ur eggs? You lost ur BACON too

    But awesome track as well!

  • rlly good

    mainly that arpeggio is whats impressing me

    which sound did you use for that

    • ill have to check

      remix is open, ofc, take a peaky peek :>

      i used eq's to single out notes from the frequencies they play at

      you can you any sound for this, as long as you eq it right

  • Rip kitchen

  • Really good. In the kitchen of bilbo baggins

  • I love that long note, sort of wooden pipes sound, you've got going throughout the track. And then you throw what sounds like some distortion or filtering on it? Making that screechy sound, really cool! My microwave doesn't sound half as good rn, but you've inspired me to make it better! also i really like how you made notes in a slow arpeggio. Thats neat :)

    • thanks man! really worked hard on this!

  • Awesome work mate

  • seeing:

    "3/4th of my kitchen blew up in an alternate universe and now im scared ill never get my bacon and eggs breakfast no please i beg you i need my eggs :( got favourited once"

    in my notifs is a thing of beauty

  • i did old school boombap for mines

  • snapshot spooked me for a min

    gosh dang them curves

    • awww <33333

      im surprised 2, mate

      and ill take the handshake any day, love your support :>

    • but goodness gracious what a friggin title and what a friggin TRACK TOO

      im still reeling with how much your butt has improved and my brain just dont know how to respond to it but its very happy and proud of you and would like to give you an honoary handshake ngjtnhtj