Better Than Me
I ate jalapeno seeds and now my ahole burns and I can't go doodoo
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0 -
0 1/8T
0 The Drop In This Track Sounds Like Nutcracker By EH!DE
0 Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooah! There Are a Lot of Heisenbergs In This Track, But Why Did @Akiri Delete His Old Account?
0 Smells Like EH!DE.
1 nothing like modern dubstep
this is really cool...
4 Spag Heddy, hello?
1 I wish I was as good as you! Your music is awesome!
1 im fanboying
1 1:14 should slighty pitch down overtime, i would cum
1 1:01 gave me such a stank face, holy fuck
1 holy fucking shit
6 holy shit, this is the kinda fuckin music i would listen to in 5th grade. still hits the same, it brings me the same kind vibes as skism's music
1 holy SHIT
this is fucking immaculate
1 good work