Ok, here we go again.

Big bird.

Scientific name: Orcinus orca

Photograph credits: Robert Pitman (NOAA)

Available in the sample library as one shot and 120-bpm loop: "Synthesized Mammal - Killer Whale #1"

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  • Okay cool, next do the boobie

    1 more
  • Eh j'ai pensé a toi, je crois que t'as sorti un autre son où les oiseaux étaient en fait un synthé, sans le faire exprès sur un de mes sons j'ai créé un aboiement de chien, on dirait vraiment un sample, sans faire exprès lol

  • this is amazing

  • <3

  • I used to live in the Pacific Northwest and they would always play the whale sounds to us in elementary school. This is spot on

    • Je m'en irai dormir dans le paradis blaaaaaaannnc

    • don't care i will listen until the end, i love this song lol

      smooth move though

    • Reminds me a little of a Downtempo and french "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"

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  • killerwhalecore will take AT by storm

  • It's crazy how you can create organic feeling sounds just using synths. This stuff is super cool!

    • Thanks buddy :) There are similarities with the studio setup for birdsongs - in the end, it's all about frequencies - but the Pulv settings required some adjustments for the killer whale. Trying to refine the technique and to adapt it to different animal sounds is quite funny :)

  • orcacore

    *mm intensifies*

    • ahh i see what you did there

      it's definitely big, but it ain't a birb



      the ultimate sneak attack i see Xddd

    • @titik that's the big bird you'd never guess I told you about lol

    • i didnt see this coming at all lol

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  • Cool !

  • woah! xDDD just y e s