Xy helped with the mix and effects, while Revengee added a few arrangement things.

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  • First impression. love the sounds immediately, but I felt that the tempo was too high. I bet this would slap at around 105-115 depending on how you mixed it.

    at 00:27 the song sounded good at the tempo it was written in, I wish the first part helped me in embracing that, but I feel like it didnt match.

    • from 00:40 to 0:54 when that new melody comes in I think it would make the track more interesting if you perhaps took the melody/instrument that starts at 00:54 and copied it to start at 00:40 (or wherever that downbeat occurs). Then automate the master gain of that segment, starting at mute and ending at the maximum gain value for that instrument. Then, by the time the melody comes in at 00:54 , our brains already kind of know what to expect and it becomes a smooth transition into 2nd half

    • I do really like the part at 00:40 where the main melody drops out and it's just the low end and the bass playing with the rim taps. The rim taps really shine here but they're way too loud already, and thus even louder when you take a sound away like you did in that segment.

    • 2). look at your waveforms. This track is too loud. Your sounds aren't quite mixed well. You made your drums sounds louder, but they're too loud and all of them are mono and at the very front of your soundstage. The kick can stay there IMO but your hats and other fills need to be farther back, and blending with the melody and rhythm more. Seriously, all I can hear is that rim tap clicking and it's taking away from the whole song (no offense intended).

  • Republished

    The frequencies were squashed together before, I fixed that so that now the drums and the bass is more powerful in the mix now.

  • 00:40 and above p nice p nice

    Everything is but still

  • I don't know how this song placed on the singles chart but whatever

  • Really nice overall, but the name really doesnt fit the song as it sort of gets nowhere. I really expected 00:40 to transition into some sort of epic drop or smth, but instead it just went into this really underwhelming section. Mix and overall structure is good tho.

  • Republished

    Fixed the mix

  • hats are a bit rough on my ears

  • Sounds familiar... ;3