The last one in the EP.


I had a lot of fun making this :D


Thanks acloud for the inspiration!

( Runaway ) was the inspiration btw...


Listen to the end, the drops are all kind of different lol


Also, there's a shit ton of presets, but lots of them I had made in other deleted drafts and then brought over because they sounded nice and so it looks like I did no work, but they were all made by me :D


Subject to changes, and if you get the reference to the samples in the last drop, you are a god.


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  • The chords were abit too loud tho and you made the kick bitcrushed too much, also you set a very good riddim dubstep drum pattern and the wubs at the start were peng af.

  • U ask me if i'll crit ur tack lights ok i wll

  • Welp u asked for crit so I'm not going easy XD :)

    The werby sound that is coming in at the beginning sounds like when someone tries to talk with that annoying thing in their throat... personal preference but I would make the sound more clear

    Snares that come in at 00:26 are a tad bit loud

    The synth that comes in at 00:36 isn't in the right key(I think)

    Not a crit but worth mentioning, the synth that comes in at 00:50 is awesome :)

    Transition 1:14 with like a cymbal or something

    3 more
  • You need to make the lead in the first drop stand out more.

  • u need to fix alottt

  • white power

  • This right here is top notch AT quality.

  • ayy #9

  • wow

  • Republished

    Some snare EQ, changes and now it lasts the whole rest of the bar until the kick ducks it so it doesn't sound STUPID

  • reminds me of acloudyskye's runaway

  • <3


  • oo nice

  • sounds great!!! well done!