Dude I'm just trying to rap my head around your snapshot...If your ever see this message...I have some questions on a few things ...Please hit me up on here dude....
kinda depends I guess. Whenever I wanna shape the sonics of a certain sound I use a multiband and if I wanna control dynamics or do sidechain stuff I'd go for a single band compressor. In generell modern production uses A LOT of ott lol. everything needs to be just super loud
No No hahaha I wan't meaning messy lolol Just a huge set up..A lot going on...I was just curious though... when should we try to use a single band compressor and what for or towards what sounds are best?
Ok yea I'm just gonna say you got my kind of taste for some bad ass drum and bass...This track is by far my fav....Scarlet Skyline is probably my next fav..