VII is pronounced "set" in French :)

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  • Nice one !

  • I love how you sculpted the beat with synths. I'm not a big fan of classical house music (love deep house tho), but this track is beautiful cause it reinvents the genre.

    • Thank you! :) My secret recipe is pretty simple, I didn't label in my mind the draft with a specific genre, until the final steps when I was like ''mmh, reminds me vaguely of some house''. I sometimes find it very interesting to let the flow go by itself instead of mentally visualizing how the track should sound. But this method is double-edged because the result can be quite shitty, so to be used in moderation eheh

  • love this :)

  • reminds me of some folk music somehow. I really like it

    • ça me fait super plaisir, vu que ça m'a pris pas mal de temps pour caler le rythme très exactement comme je l'imaginais dans ma tête, et donner ce sentiment un peu mélancolique avant un regain d'espoir à 1:07 :)

  • i personally don't like making house but this is pretty good in my opinion

    feel like u could of added more meoldies in this as well as a counter meoldy

    • I have the same feeling about the melodical layers, glad to see that I am not the only one. I'll try improving that, thanks for the feedback :)