Oh, I'm 4 days late

I know the levels one is still going on, but that's about end and only one person participated
Anyhow, here are the rules for this comp:
1) You can change anything you want: the bpm, the lead, everything. This can be any genre. HOWEVER:
2) No huge sample use. Drum samples and noise samples are fine, but please don't use much else.
3) Must be at least 2:00 long. Sometimes people make amazing songs that are 2:00 , that's why it's no higher
4) Due July 5th
5) Have fun, and thanks for 50!
1st: Follow, Shout out, song repost, Fave on Top 20 Songs
2nd: Follow, Shout out, Fave on top 10 Songs
3rd: Follow, Shout Out, Fave on top 5 Songs
Also, all the songs that place will be put in an album.
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0 -
0 Republished
0 Republished
0 oh well you could say due july 5th 8pm EST
0 july 5th
0 like is the due date
0 @Werbs if ur wondering i'm kinda late on releasing my entry
0 Republished
Edited prizes
0 i will quickly join
0 I want to join but idk
0 @Jaxxn Already did that haha. Maybe listen to mine for some ideas?
0 i'm in but i'm terrible at remixing
0 I can do something big roomy with this
0 Republished
Extended due date. I'm kinda angry cause hardly any people are participating in this and the due date was really far away when I first opened this. please, if you were considering entering, please do, I don't care if that entry is good or bad
0 Remixed that shit. Sexy.