Make a cool sound by fluke, everything else was a domino effect

Might republish

Cover art if I have time

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  • this is so cool

  • catching up on fred - ridiculous good !!!

  • gotta see how u did this

  • holy shit

  • Trapwave?

  • For some reason this gives me the vibe of if someone took a track off Pretty Hate Machine and remixed it into synthwave. Sounds sick

  • Very Nice bruh

  • This is really good, the only thing I may suggest is that the flute-like instrument that is in the background at 1:04 sounds a bit off key. Raising it a couple of notes may help with that.


    Also adding a bit more variation in those notes would also be cool, but that's just a preference of style.

  • I love those little chords in the intro!

  • this is sick

    • It caught the rona thats why it's sick

  • bruh i kinda want to make synthwave for atday but i dont really know how

    • Vaporware would be awesome

    • maybe i'll try vaporwave

  • this does bring a huge smile to my face

    everything screams happy on this lol

  • Any critique is greatly welcome