we've both never done jersey so :shrug:

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  • why is this getting likes AGAIN

  • trending in hiphop almost a year later is crazy

  • Hard

  • i like how most of the comments r just abt the cover lmao

  • cover goes hard

  • bruh lmfao the coverr!!!

  • Make this is to dariacore 🥴🤤

    • steps to make dariacore

      bpm change: 174 - 215 should work

      1: take a overused hyperpop/liluzi sample then put a tube w/ it

      2: get a rasselbock and go to stop putting it to 1/256 and make sudden stops to the sample ( i prefer 1/8 of a beat stops)

      3. get a gec snare a hard kick (audiotool kick-10 works also)

      4. get a dariacore rim

      5. make a drum loop that is very unique

      6. make sure it kinda lines up with the stops :)

      7. add a 808

      Then ur done (sidechain is optional)

    • anything for seb

    • oooh thats a good idea


      idk how lmao

  • kinda good ngl

  • im gonna commit scooter ankle

  • actually not bad

  • cover goes crazy

  • Best cover of 2023 so far lol.

  • i made dah cover