goofy ass beat I'm sorry this is so stupid im crying

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  • vocal etherealness hidden in distortion

    my favorite

    with an amazing outro oh YEAHH

  • I shit you not

    I had this playing in my head on repeat while playing some wt. Forgot to turn my music on and was wondering where it was coming from

    Got a literal earworm from the section with that vocal sample lol


    • it's... thundering... like war... in your skull.... 😨

    • lmaoooo

      got my actual shitpost level track with the goofy ass switchup living rent free in your head

      it sounds like it has squatters rights in your head even

  • whys this actually go tho?

    4 more
  • yeah

    1 more
  • lmao that outro is amazing

    • Yes!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the heartfelt message I left at the end of the track <3