Meant to keep this simple and quick. I want to make a You Can't Run Cover.

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  • i beat you too "you cant run"

    • if you need them

    • but that dont mean you cant do that, you can use my song for vocals

  • Team Kronos grunts come in 4 stages; trainees, grunts, lieutenants, and captains. Each is marked with a different pauldron. White pauldrons are trainees, which are much weaker and only appear in horde battles. Black Pauldrons are grunts. 'nuff said about them. Purple pauldrons means Lieutenants. They are slightly stronger, and have the ability to mega evolve their pokemon, if available. Yellow pauldrons are captains. They can use Mega evolution and may have ultra beasts on their teams.

  • I wanted to make the theme like that of the Ultra Recon Squad, because 1, my team is partially based off of them, and 2, their theme is an absolute bop.