idk why but this didn't show up as a remix. AT must've derped out. Here's the link to the comp page:

Amp7070 156 remix comp <closed>

So here's my entry. I liked the last section of music provided so I went with that, but thought I'd make things interesting and try to use ALL the synths originally provided while also keeping the settings relatively the same, and just adding on to it. Spent most of the day slapping this together. I had fun, and it took my mind off my frustration with other drafts that aren't going anywhere atm. Even though this feels largely empty and repetitive, I wasn't going for an academy award or anything, and I have work tomorrow so I just did my best with the time I had. Hope y'all like it.

As always...

Stay classy, San Fran!


Synths used: 9 (3 heis, 5 Pulvs, 1 Space) =a few leads, with synths routed thru them for extra layering, and 2 basses

Lag level: medium

Sidechain Compression?: Yes

MVE (Most Valuable Effect): Flanger. Helps make your mids and highs a little spicier at low feedback settings. Most easily noticed on rounder waveforms.

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