(note - this is a republish, the original was taken down for some reason neither of us know. I believe it may have been copyright with the build vocal, so I removed that.)

First off, this is soooo different from anything I've ever been apart of and i love it so much! I really enjoy this track and this kinda came together rather quickly, lol. THis is wonky asf, booiiss ~ Perds


This was a somewhat old draft of mine that was going nowhere, invited perds to it and it just took off. I'm really proud of the way this turned out, thanks to perds for offering to collab, and go follow that boy if you dont already! ~ werbs

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  • wowwwwww :O

  • This is srill one of my favorite projects ever. So happy werbs got his acciunt back! Luv u bb

  • Love the Colourbass Part

  • yesss! I had hoped this track would exist again haha

  • So happy this is back


  • EPIC !

  • first of all

    who here knows wtf oolacile is?

    1 more
  • ayoo noice guys :D

  • The fact that it repubbed with all the stats is weird asf

    • Perhaps that was product of the moderators..


  • i just puked in my mouth literally disgusting

    2 more
  • Most of it was reeally good but none of the good parts had anything to do with each other... It was a little rough. The different parts are good concepts though and I feel with more adept transitions, it would sound great.

    • its meant to be sudden. listen to Oolacile - Riddim girl. thats kinda where i got the idea from

  • Ahahhahaah that's one wet riddim bass. ~(- 3-)~

  • I agree with Gearbot, the 1st drop is all over the place, it is a bit too random and messy

    • Im not quite understanding how its too random and messy...oof

    • Can u define messy, btw?

  • #9 on charts, boiiiisss