i will say you guys have the marketing tactic down

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2 -
2 @YoungQel : 16 Votes
@(CS)_REDWOLF_MUSIC : 10 Votes
The winner of this battle is @YoungQel
(let me know if I missed counted)
0 -
0 Lotus a W
0 lotus
0 shit bro i think you won in the end bro
0 i still got two over mate
1 Black lotus definitely won that shits firee
1 Both are really good, but I got to say @YoungQel won on this one :]
Great job to both of you!
1 @YoungQel Wins this one lol
Bolth sound good but his hits diff
2 RLotus won.
heres some tips fr both of you:
instead of regular try some dark trap or even edm trap. Trap is gonna get overrated on this site soon ( i think it is rn idk)
Try to be more creative. Try to use some of the synthesizers (use heis cuz HEIS GANG)
Plz dont make it clip, try either using a compressor or sidechaining it...
Here's how to sidechain (theres plenty of ways but this my fav) use another mixing device (koblot) and make that the master mixer.
1 I vote for @(CS)_REDWOLF_MUSIC
I love the melody & the vocals.. but the 808 it's a bit off but cool track!
For @YoungQel his melody is a bit repeative.. but nice track too..
0 RLotus won this one
0 I won