Big spooky lizard

Used these drums in this song.


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  • I told you when we started my computer was lag ass

    but recently I got a better one so I hope to help more next time we collab

  • it got charted again!!! W job

  • Goodness gracious 😳

  • A song where the godzilla sounds would actually fit in.

  • I used these drums in the project


  • Godzilla type beat

  • I this like based on the VHS horror series the man in the suit?

    • YESSSS! I'm glad someone realized!

    1 more
  • this is genuinely scary tho

    1 more
  • cool background effects tho

    • digital circus mid tbh

    • They cooked big time and they're still cooking with an even bigger success with "The Digital Circus."

    • glitch productions was cooking

    5 more
  • you published it? can't wait to listen

    • I hear yah

    • Well my teacher wasn't in class today so I'll probably only be able to be on in like 4 hrs.

    • ok

    11 more
  • Again, this is pretty good. I don't really think you need much help.

    • Ayyy let's gooo! Thank you, I take this as a big compliment.

  • looks like my hand at 3 am