so i was thinking how else to celebrate 200 followers and so i said, lets do it the old fashhion way. remix comp!. theres only 1 rule. just take this and make a dubstep attempt.

the entry HAS to be dubstep (or an attempt at dubstep at least)

ill judge the entrys on May 22, maybe. if enough people join.

have fun guys :D (i will try to make my own remix as well but it wont be counted with the entrys.



--1st place--

Spot on an upcoming EP

shoutout on my wall

a collab/feature on my next track after the final deadline

extended FL and AT sample pack.

--2nd place--

spot on the EP

shoutout on my wall

small FL and AT sample pack


spot on EP

shoutout on my wall

--all entries--

a favotrite on the track

a virtual high five

(lets do this!!!)

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  • sounds like the pac man theme song

  • I made an entry but never finished... guess I will get back on it soon

  • Who won???

    I am getting very impatient........


  • Awesome,Refav.

  • can multiple people work on the same remix or can it only be one person???

  • this is awesome! i'm still working on a remix, but you should do more comps like this more often! :D

  • Ok

  • the winners will be announced at a later date. it is taking longer than expected to get everything ready. but i promise i will get right to it very soon ;)

  • Dude when are you gunna tell us? I am getting very anxious...

  • Hey you should let me win ;D

    Just kidding, who ever wins wins.

    I still REALLY want to win tho

  • gimme another day yeh? :) i gotchu guys :D and i have a killer sample pack for the winners ;)

  • So who won

  • 2 days

  • Hmm, dubby.. I might give this a go :)

  • K Raj!