Thanks :)

Hope you guys like this one, please comment and leave feedback! :)
Drums, claps, bass were all made by me
Third party samples:
Piano- (That I added pedals to, and created my own bass track for)
Simple Bassline (Which I modified)
Angry Sub bass (With pedals I added)
As always, enjoy and leave feedback :)
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0 -
0 nice.
0 Thanks brehbreh! ;)
0 clever clever brehbreh!
0 Thanks!
0 sick bassline!
0 Thanks :)
0 Nice.
0 Thanks!
0 purty sweet man
0 Thank you, that really means a lot :)
0 sounds very professional
0 Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate the comments, and the favs mean a lot! :D
0 Yeah liking the dark gritty feeling :)
0 This is well done!!!! I usually don't check people's songs that advertise on my songs (that's what my wall is for ;p) but nonetheless this is great! Yes that bass is amazing on my speakers!