fucking hell man

taiko - I would like to give a special shoutout to everyone who was apart of this years Asylum Collection. I truly want to thank yall for making tracks that are js absolutely insane.
We present to you, Asylum Collection V2
1st: Poison (with Jinn)
2nd: dead ( 1:26 )
3rd: dead ( 1:49 )
4th: E.low ( 2:17 )
5th: E.low ( 3:39 )
6th: itxmi ( 4:59 )
7th: itxmi ( 5:25 )
8th: guyy ( 6:01 )
9th: E.low ( 6:57 )
10th: taiko ( 8:19 )
11th: taiko ( 9:16 )
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1 -
0 the mf who said elow sold just not tapped in, thats the most insane piece of work ive heard in a minute
0 damn bruh mines was so ass
1 shit fire
2 3rd one hard
2 deadtvnz made me nut
1 Dead is a menace
0 elow and itxmi man, FUCK
0 5th got me tweakin
2 The first one got me doing the stank face 🔥 😭
0 poisons is decent
dead normal clip beats
elow kinda sold
itxmi bounce hard
guyy carried
taiko normal other thn darkspin love msik
0 ????
0 am i trippin or was selly on this?
0 i should've chose a different beat
0 no cinematics? :(