datepopular 1 Pulv hip hop Roy ↨ Chiptune chiptunehiphoppulv 0:04:10 21 118 2021-03-22 Favorite Share 2 oh no mavis's library Other mavis 0:02:10 14 53 2020-10-16 Favorite Share 3 Longer Feelings. escapiistt@wuthoTrappBoi Lo-Fi marioxxxtentaciontrappboiwuthoxxxhomehopehere we go 0:00:53 11 62 2021-04-14 Favorite Share Remix 4 Longer Feelings With Additions Vividkey Lo-Fi xxxtentaciontrappboiwuthoxxxhomehope 0:00:42 7 21 2021-04-14 Favorite Share Remix 5 Longer Feelings (Chopped and Screwed) shxne! Lo-Fi marioxxxtentaciontrappboiwuthoxxxhomehopehere we gochopped and screwed 0:01:27 4 24 2021-04-14 Favorite Share Remix 6 introduction 「LevvBeatz」 Newbie 0:00:57 0 6 2022-04-28 Favorite Share 7 flame * (remix) palestinium_ Lo-Fi lofiambiencephonk 0:02:02 0 7 2023-10-05 Favorite Share Remix