datepopular 1 fed up Ty Freestyle 7 Trap drill 0:02:01 79 1213 2021-01-17 Favorite Share 2 k! milla⛥Nautical?!⛥ Trap 0:00:54 19 92 2021-04-07 Favorite Share Remix 3 p4rK!!|/ Zëro Trap 0:02:16 17 181 2021-12-28 Favorite Share 4 Cruising Respirationduckie Other r&b 0:02:43 13 103 2021-09-13 Favorite Share 5 drill shiz (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap seriousboilmaololoof 0:01:51 7 41 2020-07-28 Favorite Share Remix 6 missing something. [intro] Buuu Lo-Fi vibeshiphopsoulcollabbumps 0:01:46 7 50 2022-03-01 Favorite Share Remix 7 w h a t ' s n e x t duckie Hip Hop hip hoptrapambient 0:01:39 7 30 2021-11-06 Favorite Share 8 Dont know what to do with this Luxx Trap drill? 0:01:06 6 31 2021-05-12 Favorite Share Remix 9 Vibrations Fusiia Drum & Bass 0:01:06 6 34 2022-07-10 Favorite Share Remix 10 lofi /w PHONK (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap seriousboilmaololoof 0:01:36 5 29 2020-07-31 Favorite Share Remix 11 magic missile milla Trap drilldark 0:01:44 5 64 2021-03-23 Favorite Share Remix 12 L O T U 5 duckie Trap trapphonkdrill 0:02:25 5 31 2021-11-06 Favorite Share 13 sum drill (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap seriousboilmaololoof 0:00:42 4 34 2020-07-31 Favorite Share Remix 14 K L O K thatboijosh Hip Hop drillfiviotory 0:03:53 4 32 2021-01-22 Favorite Share 15 UK DRILl type beat TteeraBeats Trap 0:01:59 4 37 2021-07-03 Favorite Share 16 Nocap type beat " Exchanges " buuuk Other new wave2020slowlil babyhardhiphoprylotrapnewinyourfeelingsnocapsadyoungdracohood music 0:02:42 4 57 2022-04-16 Favorite Share Remix 17 carti drill Buuu Newbie 0:01:49 4 20 2022-10-19 Favorite Share Remix 18 h u n n i d milla Trap drill 0:02:22 3 23 2021-05-03 Favorite Share 19 Dont know what to do with this (remix) ranelo Soundtrack ukdrillurmomtrapsoundtrackhip hopdrill999luxx 0:02:28 3 20 2021-05-13 Favorite Share 20 {c h e c k} duckie Trap trapdrill 0:02:31 3 24 2021-09-02 Favorite Share