datepopular 1 huehuheueheuheueyhh client alt 1 Bass Music 0:10:09 191 5615 2020-09-28 Favorite Share Remix 2 SLENDERBODIES Snio 1 Bass Music sniodubstepbrostepslenderbodies 0:03:28 150 3871 2020-03-13 Favorite Share Remix 3 COLLYWOBBLES Snio 1 Bass Music dubstepcollywobblesbrostepriddimsnio 0:03:53 114 2104 2019-11-25 Favorite Share Remix 4 Restricted [AT DAY 2020] Client 1 Bass Music atday2020briddim 0:01:54 105 3239 2020-11-21 Favorite Share Remix 5 Anomaly Stormdrain 2 Bass Music dubstep 0:03:58 75 945 2023-01-08 Favorite Share Remix 6 Demon Inside Me [Remix WIP] NAO 4 Bass Music shatteredraptrapdeathstepvocalshybridalbumsirendeathtrap 0:01:38 59 1010 2020-03-20 Favorite Share Remix 7 SMITH leadenshrew 2 Bass Music 0:01:09 57 632 2020-07-03 Favorite Share Remix 8 Spectrum [Clip] KILLSTEP 3 Bass Music deathworshipgritindustrialgoregrind 0:01:00 51 551 2022-03-19 Favorite Share 9 BRUH VIOK Bass Music 0:02:30 37 318 2020-12-02 Favorite Share Remix 10 imagine having a conversation with the audiotool mod through track titles Vulkron 6 Lo-Fi bassmeme 0:00:25 33 654 2019-10-27 Favorite Share Remix 11 stuck in 2016 sweatpants 9 Bass Music 0:00:28 32 255 2021-10-20 Favorite Share Remix 12 Defstep Stormdrain 2 Bass Music dubstepdeathstepgons 0:00:30 32 315 2022-11-19 Favorite Share Remix 13 The Miscellaneous trash can to the void DJ Kelso(Archive) 6 Newbie 0:02:56 30 224 2019-11-20 Favorite Share 14 COLLYWOBBLES (Grawlix Remix) Grawlix 7 Bass Music dubstepcollywobblesbrostepriddimsnio140remix 0:03:39 29 252 2019-12-18 Favorite Share Remix 15 Mag Dumper [WIP] client alt 5 Bass Music briddimdeathstep 0:02:23 28 314 2020-10-29 Favorite Share 16 pergsnfff Stormdrain 6 Bass Music dubstep 0:00:25 27 318 2022-03-24 Favorite Share Remix 17 PO9T - Death Bed (Stormdrain Remix) Stormdrain 2 EDM comprapdeath bedpoetvocalspo9tsingingremixdubstepriddim 0:03:44 26 411 2023-07-15 Favorite Share Remix 18 COMING SOON... Snio 6 Bass Music sniounreleasedduptepupcoming 0:00:12 24 293 2020-03-02 Favorite Share 19 The Machines Darkness Dwelleryito ☮ Bass Music neurofunkambientdubstepdark 0:04:49 23 189 2019-05-09 Favorite Share Remix 20 Distorted Niko 2 Trance tech trancet painelectro house 0:03:07 23 341 2019-08-03 Favorite Share Remix