datepopular 1 Virtual Riot - Remedy (Astrel, Vault Boy remix) astrelVIOK 7 Future Bass 0:04:33 91 909 2020-08-24 Favorite Share 2 Invigorate XculE 1 EDM xculedubstepinvigoratehome office 0:02:01 87 2014 2020-06-07 Favorite Share 3 Double Back Stormdrain 2 Bass Music dubstepriddim 0:03:48 83 1215 2022-04-08 Favorite Share Remix 4 SIREN - Future Riddim Weeb SIREN 5 Bass Music hentaifuture trapdegeneracycolourbassriddimweebheavymelodicdont judge me 0:03:34 71 815 2020-10-12 Favorite Share Remix 5 Home - Astrel x Vault Boy astrelVIOK 1 Future Bass challengeslowhiphopvaultypopraprappertrappianovault boyhomepoetbeatdepressedsampleambientcompetitionastrelvocaltypesadsingingremix 0:04:51 60 1070 2021-05-18 Favorite Share 6 the yearning Snio 2 Downtempo a-epthe yearningsniointroweird hip hop sad thing 0:03:48 55 980 2019-09-15 Favorite Share Remix 7 Remedy - Virtual Riot (Astrel Remix) astrelVIOK 4 Future Bass 0:04:36 47 367 2020-07-27 Favorite Share 8 Elysium astrel 8 Future Bass 0:03:05 41 274 2019-05-16 Favorite Share Remix 9 Said - Ohayo! (remix) [VIP] XculE 4 EDM dubstepsaidvipxculeohayoanimeremix 0:02:54 41 517 2020-09-20 Favorite Share 10 Summer astrel 5 Future Bass 0:03:42 40 390 2019-09-02 Favorite Share Remix 11 Invigorate [VIP] XculE 1 EDM dubstepinvigoratevipxculehome office 0:04:26 38 479 2020-08-15 Favorite Share 12 400 doodle astrel Other zephrix400remix compcompetitionremix 0:01:39 30 235 2020-08-14 Favorite Share Remix 13 IM BAAACK you sons of bitches SIREN Bass Music suckcock 0:00:11 24 164 2020-11-08 Favorite Share 14 im finishing it alright. TheFourthDymension 5 Future Bass 0:02:25 23 170 2021-06-19 Favorite Share 15 cant do it astrel Bass Music hybrid traptrapdubstep 0:03:40 18 79 2019-08-01 Favorite Share Remix 16 PO9T - Death Bed (Stormdrain Entry) [Drop Bootleg] XculE 4 EDM dubstepcomprapdeath bedbootlegpoetvocalsanimepo9tsingingremix 0:01:18 16 258 2023-08-07 Favorite Share 17 Melodic Dubstep? AWENiX Bass Music dubstepfuture bassfuture baesmelodicmelodic dubstep 0:01:39 14 65 2021-04-03 Favorite Share 18 SIREN & LANI - RAGE SIRENLANI! Bass Music weirddubstepriddimlanicollabosiren 0:02:57 13 122 2020-04-26 Favorite Share Remix 19 Dark astrel Trap 0:04:20 11 65 2019-06-16 Favorite Share Remix 20 Make Me Right - Motoumusic (Dingus Remix) astrel Future Bass 0:03:05 9 64 2019-08-17 Favorite Share Remix