datepopular 1 SHANIMANE- TAG A FRIEND OR SOMETHING (got bored) R.shani Trap gotboredshaniplayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaphonkshanimane 0:00:26 5 17 2023-02-20 Favorite Share 2 HAHA (how to teach math) but theres no math escapiistt Hip Hop 0:02:20 2 3 2022-11-17 Favorite Share Remix 3 HAHA (how to teach math) escapiistt Hip Hop 0:02:20 5 20 2022-11-17 Favorite Share Remix 4 l a z i n e s s {怠惰} escapiisttJinkusuRyū 2 Lo-Fi 0:03:12 15 187 2022-09-04 Favorite Share Remix 5 شبح[ghost]~ escapiistt Hip Hop eeeeeplagueentryeeeeee 0:01:04 7 34 2022-05-08 Favorite Share Remix 6 sunrise. w/ kelso escapiisttKelso The Space MC Hip Hop 0:02:52 22 206 2022-03-16 Favorite Share Remix 7 meme comp entry but un-sidechained escapiistt Hip Hop 0:00:20 2 8 2022-01-26 Favorite Share 8 meme comp entry but sidechained escapiistt Hip Hop 0:00:20 2 29 2022-01-26 Favorite Share 9 escapiistt Trap meme 0:00:50 12 101 2022-01-10 Favorite Share 10 .... escapiistt Trap 0:00:48 0 12 2021-12-22 Favorite Share Remix 11 ragin cajun not complete elow Newbie rage 0:01:47 3 33 2021-12-17 Favorite Share Remix 12 ragin cajun elowescapiistt Newbie rage 0:01:47 12 98 2021-12-16 Favorite Share Remix 13 P1AGU3! x Vividkey x GHO$TFACE! - "VAULTS!" escapiisttVividkey Hip Hop pyrexcollab 0:00:44 6 46 2021-12-14 Favorite Share 14 i tried to copy their styles and made a mash up instrumental ilyfire Newbie 0:02:08 0 9 2021-11-24 Favorite Share 15 Multi-Genre Tape - Vol. 2 escapiistt@wuthoXyPhr (鏽)ilyfiremartinadimarco Other 0:10:23 22 130 2021-11-22 Favorite Share Remix 16 .? escapiistt Hip Hop 0:01:52 2 15 2021-11-19 Favorite Share Remix 17 Woo! escapiistt Hip Hop uk drillpop smokeplague 0:00:59 4 12 2021-11-18 Favorite Share 18 "i fucked up and the medical bills gonna be to high" type beat escapiistt Hip Hop 0:01:24 4 26 2021-11-12 Favorite Share 19 i tried to copy their styles and made a mash up ilyfire Newbie 0:02:08 7 54 2021-11-07 Favorite Share 20 P E T E R escapiistt Other peter 0:00:53 0 6 2021-11-05 Favorite Share