datepopular 1 SLENDERBODIES Snio 1 Bass Music sniodubstepbrostepslenderbodies 0:03:28 150 3871 2020-03-13 Favorite Share Remix 2 Stray Snioillika 3 Bass Music straysubstepillika 0:04:31 94 1133 2020-02-03 Favorite Share Remix 3 CABINET [vista rmx] viista 3 Hip Hop djkwthank you to thebus drivervistaremix 0:04:23 49 584 2020-07-12 Favorite Share 4 spitfire [demo] viista 4 Trap voicebeatboxing 0:01:26 47 576 2019-10-19 Favorite Share Remix 5 sonic3ze does an unprompted performance at the local shopping mall joe 4 Birdcore 0:01:06 39 533 2021-10-31 Favorite Share Remix 6 "NEW PATEK"-"PLAYBOI CARTI"TYPE BEAT Bankroll_Qel Trap playboi cartitrap 0:02:20 25 200 2020-12-15 Favorite Share Remix 7 unknown missed opportunities viista 2 Other 0:02:04 25 172 2022-10-24 Favorite Share Remix 8 i still hate producing Underb111te Trap 0:02:12 15 111 2024-08-01 Favorite Share Remix 9 Quarantined Carti yassou Other 2020quarantinedboredcoronaviruscarti 0:03:18 7 35 2020-04-22 Favorite Share Remix 10 heartstrings // working on myself [flawless] Experimental demoatday24wet 0:04:22 6 70 2024-11-18 Favorite Share Remix 11 titik coughing over a generic phonk beat R.shani Experimental 0:01:09 4 16 2022-11-13 Favorite Share Remix 12 CCWSU LIVE ARCHIVES: i fw this no cap goes hard stupid dummy fr SHOJO ACIDrobert_williamsonBruh20987LILcuprisunnickifedorov Experimental noisenoise concretetrapdrywall noisesound collage lolconcrete noisebrick noiseupvotes to the leftmemefree improv 0:04:07 3 36 2020-08-23 Favorite Share Remix 13 Covid-19 Netrot Newbie trap 0:00:38 2 11 2020-03-15 Favorite Share 14 cool beans! dj*nj EDM 0:04:07 2 24 2020-04-05 Favorite Share Remix 15 SLENDERBODIES (patient 0 remix) patient 0 [hiatus] Bass Music sniodubstepbrostepslenderbodies 0:03:13 2 16 2020-04-19 Favorite Share 16 beat 3 SHOJO ACID Experimental hiphopglitchdepressed 0:00:42 1 19 2020-05-18 Favorite Share Remix 17 LiL UZI VERT Prezidential Beatzz Trap playboi cartitrap 0:02:25 1 22 2020-12-16 Favorite Share 18 RUG VAMP SOULJA Trap 0:01:10 1 30 2024-01-19 Favorite Share 19 The faster we get away from him the better (demo) SHOJO ACID House outsider housetechno 0:00:29 0 23 2020-03-18 Favorite Share Remix 20 corona over time jiggyfreak Bass Music sniodubstepbrostepslenderbodies 0:03:28 0 14 2020-04-12 Favorite Share