datepopular 1 Awakening Jetdarc 1 Synthwave mikuretro 0:04:20 40 432 2024-06-02 Favorite Share Remix 2 splooodge R3B0RN Synthwave 0:01:56 4 36 2024-04-29 Favorite Share Remix 3 Drunk songs for your parrot Yeetmanz Newbie 0:01:31 5 31 2024-04-04 Favorite Share 4 rise taiko! 2 Pop 0:00:33 23 244 2024-01-28 Favorite Share 5 dr gigletouch noah 2 Other 0:00:38 37 473 2023-12-24 Favorite Share 6 NIGHTSHIFT Jetdarc 1 Synthwave cyberpunkhardcore 0:02:21 60 686 2022-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 7 DAYSHIFT Jetdarc 2 Synthwave cyberpunkshort 0:01:55 27 240 2022-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 8 test ryzenshine2210 Synthwave downtempoexperimental 0:04:56 0 10 2022-10-13 Favorite Share 9 sparks. 火花 - Hedge, non, sboi, retro "pizza delivery" Synthwave downtempoexperimental 0:04:56 7 53 2022-05-06 Favorite Share 10 more problem for you nondeescript 2 Indie chillwavesamplepopambientexperimental 0:04:04 44 367 2022-05-05 Favorite Share 11 text aa3 6 Drum & Bass 0:01:20 10 59 2022-03-26 Favorite Share 12 PMD2 Guide System Required Experimental mysterydarknessskybpmdungeonpresetsmiditimeexplorers150practice 0:01:17 0 5 2022-03-17 Favorite Share 13 Trapped in the beat System Required Trap 0:02:35 0 8 2022-01-24 Favorite Share Remix 14 everything - remix nondeescript 6 Synthwave 0:03:23 17 161 2021-12-03 Favorite Share 15 303 experimental chillwave nondeescript 3 Indie chillwaveexperimentalsleepambientpianotb303 0:05:26 28 215 2021-11-30 Favorite Share 16 Promiscuous v2 (Musenet, Lady Gaga Style) System Required Experimental midimusenet 0:02:13 0 6 2021-10-26 Favorite Share 17 Promiscuous (Musenet, Lady Gaga Style) System Required Experimental midimusenet 0:01:41 0 7 2021-10-20 Favorite Share 18 sparks. 火花 nondeescript 5 Synthwave downtempoexperimental 0:04:56 19 168 2021-10-13 Favorite Share Remix 19 no problems, but send free assistance nondeescript 2 Synthwave vaporwavefuture funkyes 0:03:19 51 426 2021-09-24 Favorite Share 20 i accidentally made a The Cure song. Arlo The Folf Other accidentrockemoretro80sinstrumentalfreestyle 0:03:24 0 20 2021-09-24 Favorite Share Remix