datepopular 1 Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore (remake) XculEVulkron 1 EDM vulkronhighscorexculeteminitewubsremakeglitch hoppanda eyes 0:04:19 349 9820 2019-06-08 Favorite Share 2 Final Miracle (Ultra Collab) Gravidonno vyce (Kryptic)LitonixKole Zuh 2 Future Bass vulkronkozazarvnexusfinal miracleultra collablitonixfaithkrypticrotekgravidonrevivaloftheexiledkingfinale 0:04:09 124 2018 2019-04-26 Favorite Share Remix 3 No Rush (feat. Momo) Gravidon 2 Future Bass momoflstudiopianocollabgravidonbellmelodicrushsummerofsingles2k19 0:03:45 116 1275 2019-07-30 Favorite Share Remix 4 Aura Burst (HOME OFFICE) Gravidon 1 Future Bass challengefuture garagechoirburstofficepianohomethickauragravidongravismashbassvirtual riotmelodichyperchordsthiccdeon customarp 0:03:08 103 2736 2020-05-21 Favorite Share Remix 5 Chroma Force (Audiotool Day 2K20) Gravidon 1 Future Bass atday2020future garagedubstepaudiotoolday2020pianostreets of rageindustrialgaragebreakbeatdubgravidonvibrantspotifysmashchroma force epchroma forcegroovybassmelodicatd2020animediscordauditotoolday2k20 0:04:06 82 1397 2020-12-11 Favorite Share Remix 6 Soda Stream Bubble GumWaveshaper 2 Funk electro funk 0:02:10 78 786 2021-06-01 Favorite Share Remix 7 Brimborium Waveshaper 1 Future Bass 0:03:36 67 677 2019-06-23 Favorite Share Remix 8 ajaz euke 3 Newbie 0:00:38 56 481 2020-11-25 Favorite Share 9 Chub n' Tuck Waveshaper 2 Hip Hop fupawave 0:02:18 52 683 2019-07-10 Favorite Share Remix 10 Busted Waveshaper 1 Funk eeey 0:04:48 50 574 2020-04-22 Favorite Share Remix 11 Night owl Waveshaper 2 Synthwave kicks and stuff 0:04:05 48 562 2020-02-18 Favorite Share Remix 12 Aether Valley (HOME OFFICE) Gravidon 4 Future Bass challengechoirfinal fantasyofficepianocontestaether valleyhomeviolingravidonaethergravimelodicarpschordsvalley 0:04:13 47 517 2020-05-30 Favorite Share Remix 13 Together Gravidon 4 Future Bass harpsicordflstudiochoirfuture basspianohopefulsinglehappygravidongravinewmelodicquarantineplayfulstayhometogether 0:04:13 42 330 2020-04-03 Favorite Share Remix 14 emineminem ft. po9t obelus 2 House comphousebasspo9tremix 0:02:29 41 358 2022-09-23 Favorite Share Remix 15 Virus Machine - Indifferent virux 7 Bass Music dubstepgminbriddimindifferentmelodicg3ar 0:03:41 39 220 2019-10-10 Favorite Share Remix 16 Nexium (Audiotool Day 2K19) Gravidon 4 Future Bass atd20192020audiotool day 2019future basspianoatd2k19flutecontestatday2019dropjersey clubneo-tokyogravidonvibrantgravihybridbassmelodiccompetitionnexium 0:04:54 39 414 2020-01-18 Favorite Share Remix 17 Pepperoni Sandwich RedShadoWizard 1 EDM hyperpopedmhyperhouse 0:02:14 38 1009 2023-12-22 Favorite Share 18 Delay Sound Design mess around -Seismic- 6 Bass Music -seismic- 0:00:54 35 293 2024-08-20 Favorite Share Remix 19 Let the fuckin bass drop (YGS)Queen_Meka_$hayTitoesAlphaBittrayvon999jhbowersdj*njsunnyminnietweeter0627criticalstop5jadamedina609_rusdlearns_net 5 Techno deathlovebass 0:02:05 32 428 2019-02-28 Favorite Share Remix 20 Flight Facilities - Crave You- (Luxx Remix) Luxx 4 Future Bass 0:02:01 28 216 2019-11-13 Favorite Share