datepopular 1 SAVAGE COLLECTION V1 $AVAGEGuy 2 Trap collectionlil808instumentalsavage 0:06:37 124 2359 2023-04-01 Favorite Share 2 trill (w/ 死NAMAHAGE. & VII 초) reyVII 초 4 Trap wavycollabtrill 0:03:10 87 1114 2019-12-08 Favorite Share Remix 3 1 GABI 1 Experimental 0:01:14 86 1463 2024-09-08 Favorite Share 4 guidance solar plexus 1 Other garage 0:02:31 76 1148 2022-08-21 Favorite Share 5 Sonic milla 9 Hip Hop hiphopmtrrapnhbnomadtrapnomad no home808hyperpoptrippie 0:03:12 69 843 2021-05-06 Favorite Share 6 indigo abyss solar plexus 2 Other psychedelichiphopsoundtrackmelancholy 0:03:00 56 459 2022-09-26 Favorite Share 7 the gel's cheap mirage solar plexus 2 Hip Hop drill 0:02:03 53 820 2022-09-09 Favorite Share 8 slow fall keybblade黒スペード BLXCKSPXDE Trap another worldfurrycollabatosphereslow padlil uzi vertpierreplayboi carticartislatvibegood vibe 0:02:26 46 535 2019-12-03 Favorite Share Remix 9 visions!+ #⠀⠀ 1 Other broken 0:01:58 44 566 2024-06-01 Favorite Share 10 +Wavy+ ✨PlayboyFlex✨(On FL)∔ YRNLeek † ( Quit )Miguel Forvrdoney5Wok (gone) Trap 0:02:14 42 379 2019-03-28 Favorite Share 11 Discord call but trance GABIAxtros✰靄 1 Trance 0:00:58 36 919 2024-09-20 Favorite Share 12 aeris be like seb 3 Newbie aeris 0:00:36 35 309 2023-10-18 Favorite Share 13 fairyland* jejaye 3 Trap musicmelodicpluggjerseynew jersey 0:01:25 35 454 2023-12-21 Favorite Share 14 tHe liEs Lost Promise credencefaith Trap drugzpeepsmokeghosthardhiphoprapfullmanelilperpbeatinstrumentalbatterydraketype 0:02:31 31 390 2020-08-18 Favorite Share Remix 15 d r e a m i n g dxsei2trill Trap trapphonk 0:03:28 29 187 2021-09-03 Favorite Share 16 silicon` (unloaded) solar plexus 1 Pop 0:01:31 29 350 2022-12-05 Favorite Share 17 bliss #⠀⠀ 4 Other 0:03:23 28 179 2022-08-18 Favorite Share 18 idcay (seb) (unfinished) solar plexus 3 Pop 0:01:21 26 227 2022-09-06 Favorite Share 19 [foryou].wav ruary Experimental vaporwave 0:02:57 24 130 2022-03-05 Favorite Share 20 nightfalling (opn 2) solar plexus 3 Other dancejerk 0:02:02 22 149 2022-12-07 Favorite Share