datepopular 1 Wasting time [ATD 2020] Vulkronpo9t 1 Downtempo poetcollabuwuvulkron 0:03:17 528 15633 2020-12-22 Favorite Share Remix 2 Out The Box [ATD 2021] (freestyle) Vulkronpo9t 1 Hip Hop vulkronraptrapfuckgregatd2021vocalspo9t 0:02:21 523 13659 2021-12-14 Favorite Share 3 Vulkron x Xcule - Beacon VulkronXculE 1 House edmxculevulkronfestival 0:02:28 342 10183 2019-08-08 Favorite Share Remix 4 Vulkron x Sunder - Cerritulus SunderVulkron 1 EDM 0:03:21 329 9675 2019-12-24 Favorite Share 5 some lofi Vulkron 1 Lo-Fi lofichill 0:02:33 325 7678 2019-03-11 Favorite Share Remix 6 B A C O N VulkronPerdition 1 Bass Music bacon 0:03:38 287 8993 2020-01-29 Favorite Share 7 Weedwhacker Vulkron 1 Trap weed 0:02:37 273 6727 2018-11-22 Favorite Share 8 I m N o t H e r e Vulkron EDM housejazzedm 0:03:39 252 5842 2018-07-17 Favorite Share Remix 9 fired up (ft. XculE) okinXculE 1 EDM okinxculefired updubstep 0:02:48 229 12538 2020-03-01 Favorite Share 10 meatballs (Vulkronix 3.0) Vulkronsynthonix 1 EDM housevulkronix 0:04:24 226 6328 2019-02-18 Favorite Share Remix 11 Bright Vulkron 1 EDM funkyactualproductionfor once2nddropisdiff 0:03:52 223 7141 2019-02-12 Favorite Share 12 Neko Rave (Vulky x Xculy) VulkronXculE 1 Bass Music vulkrondubstepneko raveriddimxculenyaanimetututuuuuu 0:03:24 209 5287 2019-01-02 Favorite Share 13 poison naswalt 1 Other skyerocknaswaltexorcistfunkyalternative 0:03:14 208 5786 2019-12-31 Favorite Share Remix 14 Backburner (Vulkron's Entry) Vulkron 1 Future Bass fuckgregwithacondomwedontneedgregmultiplyin 0:04:03 202 4422 2022-05-02 Favorite Share Remix 15 You Meant Everything owtletVulkron 2 Hip Hop vulkronpianoinstrumentalbasskeys 0:05:11 186 4015 2019-02-07 Favorite Share 16 new era (ft. dublion) okinDubLion 1 Drum & Bass dnblofiexperimental 0:03:24 179 4706 2020-02-01 Favorite Share 17 Beat Tape v.5 owtletSnadbrugenNoirnwokndoveneekreyVinniedai 1 Hip Hop communitytapeinstrumentalbeat 0:13:47 174 4621 2019-06-16 Favorite Share 18 the fuck is chiptune? Vulkron 1 Chiptune assdiscord challenge 0:00:32 174 7070 2020-02-29 Favorite Share Remix 19 Hands At Rest w/ pen sebpen. Ambient ^°^ 0:02:13 172 3778 2018-08-16 Favorite Share 20 E G G S VulkronPerdition 1 Other eggs 0:03:37 164 2527 2019-07-12 Favorite Share