datepopular 1 ꄲ꒤ꋪ ꒒꒐ꊰꏂ ꋬ꓄ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꉔꋪꏂꏂꀘ Rocka'Chan†★Your favorite mellie ★† 4 Ambient beautifulfrogturdrockachancalmingbutterflymelstoplights 0:03:12 54 400 2022-12-09 Favorite Share Remix 2 Playing With Broken Drafts 2: Trap with weird sounds CRXYN Trap aiartfine 0:02:03 27 135 2022-12-22 Favorite Share 3 l u v l o s t po6t 5 Soundtrack emopeepswitchhardxxxgothlofililxxxtentationaetheticpoetgrungebeatriptypesadjuul 0:02:33 24 364 2020-09-30 Favorite Share 4 Earzlada Rocka'Chan Experimental stickhumangobyebyeyumpink 0:00:57 15 146 2022-05-16 Favorite Share Remix 5 UNDYING okin Ambient 0:01:56 6 26 2022-03-24 Favorite Share 6 Auveti - Nightsky Velrism Trap 0:03:34 4 32 2021-09-12 Favorite Share Remix 7 Tenshi 天使 Zanarking ザナーキング Indie trapexperimentaldrill 0:02:56 4 40 2024-12-22 Favorite Share Remix 8 cOuNtRy rOaD (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap sumthin decent idkseriousboilil nas x type shiz idk 0:01:00 3 59 2020-04-19 Favorite Share Remix 9 Make It Alright Camito Hatsune Trap 0:04:55 3 13 2020-05-23 Favorite Share Remix 10 its my birthday (lazy ass trap) Siramis Trap birthdaylazygarbagetrap 0:01:55 3 22 2021-09-11 Favorite Share 11 TXNE VXDERBEATZ Hip Hop trap808vxderbeatzphonkgrey59 0:02:43 3 36 2019-09-11 Favorite Share 12 MINDS ABOVE DRILL X cloudz type beat C l o u d z Trap 0:01:11 3 77 2022-12-18 Favorite Share 13 PLUGG DRILL Zanarking ザナーキング Trap lazydeviousdetroituk garagepluggnblovegrillzdrill 0:02:03 3 65 2025-02-15 Favorite Share Remix 14 ronny j n ski type beat amorah Trap hardrapamorahhard rap beataggressivetype beatbeatsrap beattrap beatfalloutski maskhard trap beattrash 0:02:27 2 19 2020-05-07 Favorite Share Remix 15 PIMV wyishecray Techno rapbeabeautifultrapdubsdubstepdariacore 0:02:24 2 17 2023-06-01 Favorite Share Remix 16 TRAINS 7rixus Bass Music trainriddimdubstep 0:00:40 2 28 2023-12-13 Favorite Share Remix 17 some drill thing S0LAC3 Hip Hop drillsample chops0lac3 0:03:00 2 19 2024-02-01 Favorite Share Remix 18 Numba One Gastro Beatz Trap 0:02:37 1 6 2020-05-09 Favorite Share 19 MAGIC (Bryson Tiller Type Beat) MATTEUS Newbie r&bhip hopbryson tillerparty 0:03:05 1 8 2021-08-06 Favorite Share Remix 20 Limbo DjNextGen Newbie sleepychilledchill traptrapexperimentalexcited 0:02:38 1 25 2022-05-02 Favorite Share Remix