chiptune8bit8-bitastral aurorasoundtrackvideo gamevgmretrohappyremixdylan6000upbeatexperimentalfunboss battleelectrogamechill8 bitundertaleadventuretrapdarkepicintensearcadesynthedmhkgweird 1 Time to Go Jetdarc 1 Chiptune 8-bitfunupbeat 0:05:16 47 1130 2024-08-21 Favorite Share Remix 2 Stage 10: Astral Sector D As Jetdarc 1 Chiptune soundtrackfunastral aurorastage themeadventure 0:04:04 61 933 2021-08-25 Favorite Share Remix 3 Sakura Smile SOLACEretro 1 Chiptune retro94coolfunarps 0:02:28 46 798 2019-04-24 Favorite Share Remix 4 Invincible Jetdarc 6 Chiptune astral aurorasoundtrackfun 0:00:27 31 218 2021-01-02 Favorite Share Remix 5 the frick is chiptune? EscapingReality 6 Chiptune chiptune-edmfun 0:02:24 22 266 2020-04-26 Favorite Share Remix 6 Arama The First Jetdarc 7 Chiptune astral auroracharacter themefunmischevious 0:00:57 28 139 2021-09-01 Favorite Share Remix 7 Foot Race [Shmoopy's Remix Contest] Jetdarc 7 Chiptune 8-bitupbeatcontestnesracefunfastvideo gameenergeticadventurechiptuneremix 0:03:10 50 1086 2018-05-18 Favorite Share Remix 8 Stage 11: Auroral Sector D As Jetdarc 2 Chiptune 6/8soundtrackdetunedfunastral aurorastage themerelaxing 0:03:39 37 208 2021-08-26 Favorite Share Remix 9 Stage 3: Projection Jetdarc 7 Chiptune 8-bitconcept ostfunsillystage 3astral auroravideo gameadventure 0:04:56 36 317 2019-04-15 Favorite Share Remix 10 Stage 4: Prominence Jetdarc 8 Chiptune 8-bitfunkyconcept ostspacefunastral auroravideo gameadventure 0:03:21 33 305 2019-04-15 Favorite Share Remix 11 Jetdarc's Chiptune Demo Reel Jetdarc Chiptune mariodemo8-bitintenseneschillfunboss battlevideo gameadventurechiptune 0:03:26 38 518 2018-08-03 Favorite Share Remix 12 toby fox - THE WORLD REVOLVING (8-Bit Recreation) Distorted Vortex 7 Chiptune wackyjevilbossthemecrazyfundeltarunetobyfox 0:01:41 28 516 2018-12-10 Favorite Share Remix