chiptune8bit8-bitastral aurorasoundtrackvideo gamevgmretrohappyremixdylan6000upbeatexperimentalfunboss battleelectrogamechill8 bitundertaleadventuretrapdarkepicintensearcadesynthedmhkgweird 1 teriyaki takedown okin 1 Chiptune oldschooledmdarkretro 0:02:40 39 382 2023-01-08 Favorite Share 2 Boss Fighting Stages - Manor O' Moonstone Jetdarc 1 Chiptune bfsboss fighting stagesdarkbgmchillstage theme 0:04:13 37 1034 2024-03-30 Favorite Share Remix 3 Bad Ending Jetdarc 2 Chiptune soundtrackdarkbad endingvgmastral aurorasomber 0:02:10 35 228 2022-03-02 Favorite Share Remix 4 Stage 19: Void Reality Jetdarc 9 Chiptune moodysoundtrackdarkvgmastral aurora 0:04:10 20 91 2022-02-02 Favorite Share Remix 5 Apnea Jetdarc 6 Chiptune astral aurorafinal bosscharacter themedark 0:01:09 19 118 2022-02-09 Favorite Share Remix 6 nothern lights ft. Saiko Ninja løst møment 1 Chiptune experimentalrockedmcyberpunksynthesizerretrohardretrowaveelectronic rockfuture80snevvrohardsynthwavehedgesynthdarksynthdarkdarkwaveretroelectroelectronicsynthpopelectrosaiko ninjahard chiptunehardchiptunedark chiptunegrayoutfuture synth 0:05:27 70 382 2021-11-23 Favorite Share 7 Story of Ether Jetdarc Chiptune loresoundtrackdarkvgmastral aurorasad 0:02:04 15 98 2022-02-19 Favorite Share Remix 8 Cinturón de Asteriodes Zorer Natsuko 7 Chiptune darkelectronicaexperimental 0:05:46 8 45 2021-09-23 Favorite Share 9 hound kurp Chiptune 8-bitdnbdarkhappypulverisatuer 0:03:18 11 100 2017-11-18 Favorite Share Remix 10 Anticasus (Jetdarc's 3000) ARClegend 6 Chiptune remix compsoundtrackdarkchordsjetdarc 0:03:36 6 88 2023-01-22 Favorite Share Remix 11 The Town With No Light DedheD Chiptune chiptunedarkscarydark chiptune 0:02:06 5 23 2021-10-01 Favorite Share Remix 12 nothern lights- Hedge ft. Saiko Ninja "pizza delivery" Chiptune experimentalrockedmcyberpunksynthesizerretrohardretrowaveelectronic rockfuture80snevvrohardsynthwavehedgesynthdarksynthdarkdarkwaveretroelectroelectronicsynthpopelectrosaiko ninjahard chiptunehardchiptunedark chiptunegrayoutfuture synth 0:05:30 6 36 2022-05-06 Favorite Share