trapmemebirdcoreShitpostexperimentalpopPhonkpluggnblo-fino samplevoicedreamyremixmelodicwhatlofiambientidksadrocknewbiefiloybirdkwipchardcalmelowmelancholyhiphopbreakcore 1 forestronica (no sample) sea foam and the wind 1 Birdcore no sample 0:10:00 167 4710 2021-10-18 Favorite Share Remix 2 Dick of it elow 1 Birdcore elow 0:01:25 133 5581 2024-11-30 Favorite Share 3 100ducks po9t 1 Birdcore hiphoptrapfuckgreghyperpopduckspo9t 0:01:13 128 2755 2022-05-05 Favorite Share 4 retro sex music joe 1 Birdcore 0:01:44 110 2850 2023-03-12 Favorite Share Remix 5 Could You Be More Gay? Frigolito 1 Birdcore summergameslgbtqhappinessjazzjazz house 0:04:05 93 2656 2023-10-02 Favorite Share Remix 6 Round 'A' Bout Løøm 1 Birdcore very coolbasstook 3 days 0:02:10 87 1797 2024-03-29 Favorite Share Remix 7 bird shit viista 2 Birdcore birdbirdcoretrapshit 0:01:39 83 1952 2021-10-26 Favorite Share Remix 8 ULTRA TRAP rey 1 Birdcore hardgangtraprawbeatphonkshitbitch 0:02:20 57 726 2022-09-07 Favorite Share Remix 9 Burn This Down Løøm 1 Birdcore pophitcountryvocalnew alternative 0:03:12 48 852 2024-07-17 Favorite Share 10 Akuma be like Movrielyour bff <3 1 Birdcore your mum 0:02:09 46 1029 2022-06-14 Favorite Share 11 Hooded Crow #1 sea foam and the wind 3 Birdcore no sample 0:00:08 41 640 2021-10-27 Favorite Share Remix 12 sonic3ze does an unprompted performance at the local shopping mall joe 4 Birdcore 0:01:06 39 533 2021-10-31 Favorite Share Remix