Birdcore Charts, Week #31 / 2024 prev next Burn This Down Løøm 1 Birdcore pophitcountryvocalnew alternative 0:03:12 48 852 2024-07-17 Favorite Share Blue Sky (remix / remake) Axtros✰靄 2 Birdcore peacefultrapdreamyremix 0:01:54 17 99 2024-07-19 Favorite Share Remix Blue Sky Filoy 靄 3 Birdcore peacefultrapfiloypluggnbdreamy 0:02:40 12 112 2024-07-18 Favorite Share Remix Good Feeling Filoy 靄 4 Birdcore traphappypluggnbbirdcorecalm 0:02:26 13 163 2024-07-19 Favorite Share Remix Miss the rage but better prod.mist (Archive) 5 Birdcore rageaaaaaaaghdbz gang 0:02:29 26 714 2024-06-16 Favorite Share Remix disorganized thoughts althruist 6 Birdcore 0:02:00 5 37 2024-07-02 Favorite Share Are You With Me? (Re-Entry) Løøm 7 Birdcore reverbvocals 0:02:33 60 475 2024-04-19 Favorite Share Yall see the shoes? perc 40 stuff ✨ Kallash ✨ 8 Birdcore perc40plugg 0:01:03 15 178 2024-06-28 Favorite Share