Birdcore Charts, Week #23 / 2023 prev next 1 thousand pulvs anodyne 1 Birdcore laglolsingle mom bored asfsinglesmeme 0:00:32 17 543 2023-05-11 Favorite Share Remix spoopy SCREAMMMMMMYYY Rocka'Chan 2 Birdcore screamspoopyyummyrockachanscream series 0:01:04 8 135 2023-05-18 Favorite Share Remix SCREAM SCREECH NIGHTMARE Rocka'ChanTrappBoi 3 Birdcore screamtrappboinightmarerockachancreammememovrielcompetitionhahabbgtabi 0:02:08 13 548 2023-05-18 Favorite Share Remix I can publish stuff HAHAHA Movriel 4 Birdcore 0:00:02 8 146 2023-05-15 Favorite Share Remix Sir Screamsalot The Third Rocka'Chan 5 Birdcore screamseriesrockachanyumthe thirdsirscreamsalotvocalsmeme 0:00:48 31 411 2023-04-19 Favorite Share Remix relaxing song to sleep to GateKeepR 6 Birdcore relaxingpeaceful 0:00:38 5 79 2023-04-16 Favorite Share Remix retro sex music joe 7 Birdcore 0:01:44 109 2834 2023-03-12 Favorite Share Remix snek :_archive 8 Birdcore blep 0:02:20 15 119 2021-11-27 Favorite Share Remix ULTRA TRAP rey 9 Birdcore hardgangtraprawbeatphonkshitbitch 0:02:20 56 694 2022-09-07 Favorite Share Remix i sniffed snow through a rolled up dollar bill yōsei (escapiistt) 10 Birdcore poet with a 9 0:04:47 24 366 2023-01-17 Favorite Share Remix