allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 waw yoybass with no crusher Inavon uncategorized lolamlelewidoingwawyuckwatbassyoyshit 0:00:16 36 383 2015-09-20 Favorite Share Remix 2 Filthy Yoy Bass Hip Hop Trap Collab DADDYC l o u d zNEENO KINGDOM (on fl )Trapjo$h100(leaving soon)YNXG.$avage (MP)Intrinsic_ uncategorized yoybass trap 0:01:17 36 567 2017-11-30 Favorite Share 3 YoyBass Aron uncategorized weirdfilthyyoydubstepno samplesmusicbaddubcoolstuffbassextreme 0:03:39 4 819 2012-12-07 Favorite Share Remix 4 yoybass attempt Breadloaf64 uncategorized yoybassbadimprovetipsattempt 0:00:16 3 57 2012-05-30 Favorite Share Remix 5 yoybass kinda Zombine uncategorized 0:00:27 1 51 2011-04-06 Favorite Share Remix 6 a guitar riff idea, and a cool yoybass/dubstep bass that I made humasigno (surfactant) uncategorized ideariffcoolguitarbass 0:00:12 7 123 2015-03-02 Favorite Share Remix 7 Fire me. I want a lighter job. Inavon Electro trancelolsynthsfirerasselbockstinky tofuyoybassi dunnojobcallykaycontestdirty bassyumchicken!yeahmehousestuffelectrotry tofucomplextrosolacelaid offstutterremix 0:04:44 111 2113 2013-01-07 Favorite Share Remix 8 Chrome (4lcH3Mi5t Remix) Ʌlchemist uncategorized yoybasschromecontestdubstepremix contestremix4lch3mi5t 0:03:25 34 175 2013-02-24 Favorite Share Remix 9 Domum Musica II saviamarzs uncategorized clubhouse?yoybass 0:04:27 11 220 2012-02-12 Favorite Share Remix 10 galaxy Breadloaf64 uncategorized galaxysynthdubstepyoybass 0:03:54 10 96 2012-06-22 Favorite Share Remix 11 New Knowledge! Aron uncategorized hardgrowlyoybassbeatfunbassheisenberg 0:02:03 16 73 2013-01-30 Favorite Share Remix 12 Dubstep Drop VulkronJulaxCDkitty uncategorized dubstepnick123456yoybassdropdrumstepbasswobble 0:01:49 13 171 2015-06-08 Favorite Share Remix 13 invasion Breadloaf64 uncategorized alieninvasiondubstepbananayoybassawsomebass 0:03:12 5 43 2012-05-27 Favorite Share Remix 14 Loading (Remix Contest) (t3l3ph0n0 Dubstep Remix) t3l3ph0n0 uncategorized t3l3ph0n0dubstepyoybassloadingwobbleremix 0:02:24 5 135 2013-04-04 Favorite Share Remix 15 Dnb Experiment Aron uncategorized yoybassdnbaronbeatbass 0:02:36 6 534 2013-01-05 Favorite Share Remix 16 I like dnb Aron uncategorized yoybassdnbdrum and bassbeatbass 0:02:12 6 334 2013-01-08 Favorite Share Remix 17 Back to dnb Aron uncategorized yoybassdnbarondrumbeatbassand 0:02:39 10 520 2013-01-19 Favorite Share Remix 18 Carol Of The Bells Azzect uncategorized 172.5 bpmhardenjoy!drumstepyoybassdnbdarkruskolazersdrumdrum and bassnetskyroughbassyoygrime 0:02:40 17 133 2014-01-12 Favorite Share Remix 19 Steel Snake DJGTC uncategorized djgtcyoybass 0:02:49 2 547 2012-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 20 Moving on Aron uncategorized dubstepyoybassaronbeatbass 0:01:56 4 697 2013-01-11 Favorite Share Remix 21 SOLACE - Bitcrushed (Final F1rst Remix) [House] Final F1rst uncategorized heartremixaudiotoolsolaceawesomeelectrocrushedfffinal f1rstmusic1steletronicfinalepichousebitremix contestlegitcontestfirst 0:05:17 43 670 2013-06-15 Favorite Share Remix 22 Kingdom Hearts (Eklectric Remix) Eklectric uncategorized pianodubstepgameheartskingdomeklectricvideo 0:05:06 43 777 2012-05-21 Favorite Share Remix 23 Phenomenal (Randexi0n Remix) Dazzriff uncategorized leadawesomerandexi0ncontestsidechaindubstepmelodicphenomenalwobbleremix 0:03:27 34 212 2013-07-03 Favorite Share Remix 24 Hey Vikin uncategorized dubstepyoybassperettiwobblebassbassyoywobble 0:03:00 4 55 2012-06-01 Favorite Share 25 A Million Synths Vikin uncategorized dubstepyoybasssynthperettidropwobblebassbass 0:03:25 5 114 2012-06-15 Favorite Share Remix 26 BRACES (AlgeriaN Dubstep Remix) 3.0 Fixed L3G3ND4IR uncategorized yoybasssolacedubstepalgerianhard drums 0:01:35 3 77 2012-07-29 Favorite Share Remix 27 Distance WIP (Aron Bad Dubstep Remix) Aron uncategorized loopbassyoybassfreyaronremixbaddubdubstepfilthybass 0:02:09 7 341 2013-01-01 Favorite Share Remix 28 Ab5tr@ct t3l3ph0n0 uncategorized dubstepgrowlyoybassabstracttelephonowobbleblip 0:03:39 4 52 2013-04-03 Favorite Share Remix 29 More Tac Nayn AyDaZee uncategorized nyantac naynnaynaydazeenyan catmore 0:02:26 1 48 2012-05-12 Favorite Share Remix 30 Not Quite Vikin uncategorized dubstepyoybasschristsynthpianoperettiquitemelodywobblebassbassjesusyoywobble 0:03:22 7 148 2012-06-06 Favorite Share 31 Helen of Troy Gradient uncategorized illiaddubstepprojectyoybasstechnobeginningdynamicexperimenthomer 0:02:36 4 976 2012-09-18 Favorite Share 32 Experiment 2 Aron uncategorized filthyslowhardyoybassbaddubstepdrumbeatbassexperiment 0:01:56 5 489 2013-01-04 Favorite Share Remix