allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 searchlight tornsage Experimental ambientspokenwordsos 0:04:48 121 1722 2012-03-19 Favorite Share Remix 2 The Seahorse and Mikke The Seahorse uncategorized 0:04:10 148 1944 2015-02-06 Favorite Share Remix 3 Aphelion ( Mikke and The Seahorse ) The SeahorseMikke 3 uncategorized 0:07:20 183 2311 2015-10-22 Favorite Share Remix 4 The God Particle ( Christian-Chrom and The Seahorse ) The SeahorseChristian-Chrom uncategorized tripno 0:06:14 137 1878 2015-06-25 Favorite Share Remix 5 Searching Uprising uncategorized searchinguprisingchill 0:06:33 102 1268 2012-04-26 Favorite Share Remix 6 Ghosts ( The Seahorse Remix ) The Seahorse uncategorized competition 0:04:46 81 804 2015-08-28 Favorite Share Remix 7 Bedouin (SharKyyo and The Seahorse) The SeahorseSharkyyo uncategorized 0:03:40 73 451 2015-04-24 Favorite Share Remix 8 Black Sea Dance (Seahorse Remix) The Seahorse uncategorized remixbigbeatblackzonesecret love for synthpop don't tell my grindcore friends 0:03:24 58 591 2014-10-10 Favorite Share Remix 9 Seasonal~ CRXYN 1 Future Bass layerslagfuturebassmasslayeringvocalslargedraftchords 0:04:04 87 1299 2022-03-18 Favorite Share 10 Cathode Knights Remix Competition (The Seahorse) The Seahorse uncategorized ambientsoundscapecontestremix 0:04:22 86 1036 2015-02-12 Favorite Share Remix 11 CanUlisten? ( The Seahorse Remix ) The Seahorse uncategorized droneambient. 0:08:12 59 332 2015-07-09 Favorite Share Remix 12 Massive Progressive ( The Seahorse Remix ) The Seahorse uncategorized massive progressiveremix-contest 0:04:56 69 685 2015-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 13 Audiotool Day 2016 - The Seahorse The Seahorse uncategorized competitionminimal-ishlofi-ishrepetitive-ish 0:06:00 64 552 2016-12-01 Favorite Share Remix 14 Audiotool Day 2014 - The Seahorse The Seahorse uncategorized competitionatdayaudiotoolday 0:03:50 60 517 2014-11-30 Favorite Share Remix 15 slophorse (slopo and The Seahorse) The Seahorseslopo uncategorized 0:03:52 55 534 2017-05-27 Favorite Share Remix 16 Seasons ntjon uncategorized naturelifentjonseasons 0:02:58 49 553 2012-02-08 Favorite Share Remix 17 seaweed seb 6 Newbie 0:00:39 42 407 2019-11-29 Favorite Share Remix 18 seacrusin andyCal Lycus 4 Synthwave vibesunderwateradventurecarscarssynthwaveunderwatercarsvibesinthecar 0:02:29 29 210 2022-01-27 Favorite Share Remix 19 Do What You Want (slopo and The Seahorse) The Seahorseslopo uncategorized voices in your head 0:03:31 58 479 2014-11-12 Favorite Share Remix 20 Diamond seams sky bound zoo uncategorized 0:02:59 77 916 2016-09-11 Favorite Share Remix 21 sean swrlly uncategorized lol 0:00:27 126 2507 2015-06-09 Favorite Share Remix 22 Piano Patch [v2] sea foam and the windVulkron 1 Acoustic pianopatch 0:03:34 252 7361 2022-05-11 Favorite Share Remix 23 Transoceanic The Seahorse uncategorized 0:04:37 116 1227 2014-10-22 Favorite Share Remix 24 That's What They Want You to Think The Seahorse uncategorized 0:06:20 100 1555 2015-01-29 Favorite Share Remix 25 AeneA The Seahorse uncategorized droneambient 0:07:03 113 1354 2015-07-30 Favorite Share Remix 26 Cities of Refuge The Seahorse 6 uncategorized droneambienteastern 0:07:09 122 1419 2015-09-24 Favorite Share Remix 27 Generipper The Seahorse uncategorized 0:05:49 127 1526 2016-01-28 Favorite Share Remix 28 Transient ( slopo and The Seahorse ) The Seahorseslopo uncategorized 0:04:09 46 382 2016-09-08 Favorite Share Remix 29 Ice Breaker (The Seahorse Remix) The Seahorse uncategorized 0:02:54 38 235 2016-07-27 Favorite Share Remix 30 500 (The Seahorse Remix) The Seahorse uncategorized k-hole 0:04:59 33 184 2017-04-05 Favorite Share Remix 31 sleepless in seattle shelly boo Trap 0:03:30 115 1119 2018-02-06 Favorite Share 32 seance super deformed uncategorized hip hoplofi 0:03:33 25 380 2015-09-12 Favorite Share Remix