allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 Aqua WaveformRemiX Cosmic DaVinci uncategorized chiptuneprogressive somethintrill-pix 0:02:10 19 823 2012-10-19 Favorite Share Remix 2 Final Wave T-859 uncategorized t-859trance8-bitclubpreviewwavedancefinalchiptune 0:04:27 45 311 2013-07-28 Favorite Share Remix 3 Gaming Against The World ft. Waveform dj_kellen uncategorized tunechip8bit8-bit8bitchiptune 0:01:12 16 1163 2012-08-16 Favorite Share Remix 4 Oakwood Hills (ft Kavil) SOLACEkav Chiptune waveracerchiphop10pic unrelatedgeotheoryplayer2can't evenchiptune 0:05:34 72 982 2014-06-08 Favorite Share Remix 5 Full Bit! brain-walker 1 Industrial retroindustrialwavechip-musicsid 0:05:52 64 1097 2014-07-10 Favorite Share Remix 6 WaVe ChEcK Gibson Beatz Hip Hop 0:02:09 9 136 2019-07-04 Favorite Share 7 Once Upon A Time (Remix) Sine Wave Chiptune newbieonceunderground8bituponchillfirsttimechiptuneundertale 0:01:36 3 39 2023-08-25 Favorite Share Remix 8 Made Me Think Of U SOLACE 4 Hip Hop synth hoplovewavechip 0:01:50 26 554 2019-04-12 Favorite Share Remix 9 Light Pulse of the Heart Inavon Downtempo pop8-bitpulsepulse widthnot chiptuneababbbbnot really 8-bitchiptune 0:05:18 99 1287 2013-12-07 Favorite Share Remix 10 Soundtrack - Zombie Assult Stereo_Armada uncategorized darkwavespacezombiewaveformchiptune 0:04:04 11 611 2013-01-04 Favorite Share 11 Five Pulverisateur Band (and a Machiniste) Inavon Downtempo trancesynthnot chiptunepulverisateurnot really 8 bit8 bit 0:03:30 70 960 2013-07-27 Favorite Share Remix 12 Start Screen (Remix) Sine Wave Chiptune newbie8bitstartchiptuneundertale 0:00:32 1 30 2023-08-26 Favorite Share Remix 13 Full Bit! (Remaster 2023) brain-walker 2 Industrial retroindustrialwavechip-musicsid 0:05:52 10 171 2023-09-11 Favorite Share Remix 14 Soundtrack - All Around Us Stereo_Armada uncategorized tunechip8bitallusrandomtigerhawknintendubssoundtrack8bitaroundvideowaveformzombiegamesadfacepotasmicchiptuneassult 0:02:08 8 255 2013-01-11 Favorite Share Remix 15 Whale Shark Cosmic DaVinci uncategorized pleasenamewavehouseprogressivenewwfwaveformform 0:06:08 16 688 2013-01-15 Favorite Share 16 The Astral Aurora Soundfont Audio Resource CollectiveJetdarc 1 Newbie 8-bitabstractpacksoundfontsoundtrackpresetsvgmastral aurorachiptune 0:05:22 69 722 2022-04-14 Favorite Share Remix 17 Final Wave (LeSlurp Remix) /|ÐÏGî†ĮŽĘĐ|\ uncategorized dubstepslurpt-859trance8-bitclubpreviewedmslurpywaveepicdancefinalchiptuneremix 0:03:47 3 34 2013-08-12 Favorite Share Remix 18 When the clockwork came Tom Adtr McMahon uncategorized tunechip8bitallusrandomtigerhawknintendubssoundtrack8bitaroundvideowaveformzombiegamesadfacepotasmicchiptuneassult 0:01:55 4 18 2014-01-31 Favorite Share Remix 19 Full Bit! ... 7 Industrial retroindustrialwavechip-musicsid 0:23:28 3 28 2020-10-24 Favorite Share Remix 20 64 Stereo_Armada uncategorized 8bit8-bitcommodorerandomtigerhawkcollabnintendubs8bit64waveformsadfacepotasmicchiptune 0:02:00 19 883 2013-01-04 Favorite Share Remix 21 thursday. - itxmi & hedge løst møment 2 Synthwave witch houseexperimentalelectronicadreamdreamcorenardo wickhedgetrapchilloutdarkwavephonkvaporwavechillwaveitxmialoneambienthip hopchiptunepsychedelicremix 0:02:01 23 254 2023-03-19 Favorite Share 22 THE "AFTER BURNER" TYPE BEAT. FASTKA$HRACK. Trap segaafter burner808beatsfree beatsfree for profitkicksamplec64chiptuneraphip hophard80s 0:04:57 8 59 2022-05-06 Favorite Share Remix 23 bitwig demo reel vol.2 kurp 1 Electro 0:13:49 19 487 2023-05-24 Favorite Share Remix 24 Mentalwar Kage EDM tech houseepic tranceelectronic rocktechnosoundtracksynthwavetribal houseepicelectro housetech trancechiptune 0:05:00 4 190 2020-05-16 Favorite Share 25 Crying (Unmastered) Distorted Vortex uncategorized dubstepsad 0:02:34 1 33 2017-01-06 Favorite Share Remix 26 Tech (yes) EZ STEEZY uncategorized electrotechnoandsoundwavepleasecommentfavorite 0:04:03 1 40 2011-11-12 Favorite Share Remix 27 Grandcutter Kage Chiptune retroold-schooltechnosoundtrackhouse16bit 0:03:31 2 69 2019-12-04 Favorite Share 28 Light Pulse of the Heart |Remix| #NIGHT PHANTOM Robir_MAn Downtempo pop8-bitpulsepulse widthnot chiptuneababbbbnot really 8-bitchiptune 0:05:18 0 5 2021-10-20 Favorite Share Remix 29 Light Pulse of the Heart |Remix| #NIGHT PHANTOM Robir_MAn Downtempo pop8-bitpulsepulse widthnot chiptuneababbbbnot really 8-bitchiptune 0:05:18 0 5 2021-12-18 Favorite Share Remix