allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 Alternate Khaos - Moa Katanka! 145bpm Feli:daYbrain-walker Trance psy-trancepsygoa 0:07:23 14 226 2017-05-27 Favorite Share 2 Spectral Cybertrip 808Chunk Trance 303145bpm 0:04:31 37 1856 2011-01-03 Favorite Share Remix 3 145BPM(Interlude) FamFreestyle Lo-Fi gone 0:01:11 1 8 2021-04-06 Favorite Share Remix 4 Coconut Cosmonaut Sonic Particles 7 Trance fullon303goahitechpsytranceacidpsychedelic145bpm 0:04:31 122 3057 2014-03-04 Favorite Share Remix 5 Mother Gaia Sonic Particles 8 uncategorized trancepsytrancepsychedelicgoatranceprogtranceprogressiveacid145bpm 0:04:51 123 1601 2014-04-10 Favorite Share Remix 6 Beyond Reality Sonic Particles 8 Trance fullongoapsytrancepsypsychedelic145bpm 0:07:10 94 1506 2014-05-21 Favorite Share Remix 7 Fact of the Matter arche3.0 uncategorized jam145bpm 0:06:00 22 998 2011-06-10 Favorite Share Remix 8 Night Skies (ft. Darklite) ExPeVectorshock (DARKLITE) Other sawexpepaddarkliteoctopus (jk its a squid)basscool shiz145bpm.pluckdrumsfreaking long song bruh 0:08:04 39 724 2014-12-12 Favorite Share Remix 9 POPPIN prod.@vampsoulja 145bpm E minor VAMP SOULJA Trap 0:02:17 2 30 2024-02-08 Favorite Share 10 Chloride Underb111te Trap 145bpmmoody 0:03:08 14 92 2023-05-18 Favorite Share Remix 11 MEPH prd. @vampsoulja 145bpm D VAMP SOULJA Trap 0:02:38 1 45 2023-10-08 Favorite Share 12 Peaks - Kyba & Xestle Kyba... uncategorized future basscollab#xestlewuzhere#igotxestled145bpm 0:03:48 22 137 2015-06-22 Favorite Share Remix 13 goatar trance that hopefully will be completed some time in the future. Inavon uncategorized trancegoaraveguitarfake145bpm 0:01:09 32 305 2016-01-13 Favorite Share 14 conspiracy 145 (April 2024) Underb111te Trap 145bpm 0:01:52 6 12 2025-01-20 Favorite Share 15 Buried Underb111te Trap 145bpmsad 0:04:04 7 58 2022-12-18 Favorite Share Remix 16 brains 145 Underb111te Trap bad mix145bpm 0:02:40 7 60 2023-08-22 Favorite Share 17 penalty 145 Underb111te Trap 145bpmbad mix 0:02:25 7 25 2023-12-05 Favorite Share 18 Corruption arche3.0 uncategorized pulverisateur303vocalhappycompressoraudiotrack145bpmfullchangesarchethanksgiving 0:05:57 30 363 2011-11-25 Favorite Share Remix 19 Mizory & Mobstep - Kill 'em (TripeX Remix) TRI PEX uncategorized mobsteptripex11-10-1145 bpmmizoryawesome!145bpm 0:03:21 16 174 2013-11-12 Favorite Share Remix 20 Azzect's ATU Podcast Show Jingle Azzect uncategorized 0.1brostepremixdubstepreverbjinglefilter145bpma/livedelay 0:00:21 29 192 2014-05-03 Favorite Share Remix 21 throwaway112 Underb111te Trap 808 clipping145bpm 0:00:52 5 25 2022-04-29 Favorite Share Remix 22 throwaway142 Underb111te Trap 808 clipping145bpm 0:00:52 5 33 2022-08-13 Favorite Share Remix 23 Integer Underb111te Trap 145bpm808 clippingrave 0:02:45 7 62 2023-02-02 Favorite Share Remix 24 Transformer Vault (Nuker & Doberman) Nuker uncategorized dobermanwobbleperculatedubstepbasspadnuker145bpm 0:03:21 14 85 2013-09-23 Favorite Share Remix 25 Snowstorm Azzect uncategorized i love audiotoolhardstylehardenjoy!hard drumssawbrosteppianodubstep140140bpmdanceelectro145bpm 0:04:17 28 193 2014-03-26 Favorite Share Remix 26 Gotta Get Away SouthBronxDen uncategorized sbd145bpmfunkydance 0:07:58 8 99 2014-06-01 Favorite Share Remix 27 hinamatsuri(Reo rmx) reo uncategorized dream trancetrance145bpm 0:04:36 6 40 2016-03-02 Favorite Share Remix 28 (( PLAGUE )) Nix (HIATUS) 2 Industrial experimental160bpmdubstepindustrialplague180bpm145bpm 0:02:15 13 155 2020-03-26 Favorite Share Remix 29 really stupid beat Underb111te Trap 808 clippingsillytrashbad145bpm 0:02:19 9 73 2022-01-26 Favorite Share Remix 30 Victory Underb111te Trap 808 clippingfuture bassexperimentalbass145bpm 0:02:42 10 62 2022-07-21 Favorite Share Remix 31 noisetrap1 Underb111te Trap 145bpmexperimentalnoise 0:01:19 6 43 2022-10-06 Favorite Share Remix 32 Kandy+Sheraid request Underb111te Newbie 145bpmrequest 0:01:12 4 42 2022-12-02 Favorite Share Remix