allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 Social Experiment Snadbrugenbrain-walker 1 Industrial maximalelectronic body music 0:04:51 206 7890 2020-04-15 Favorite Share Remix 2 Social Crash Axtros✰靄ViXxE!LV! 靄 2 Trap drilltrapexperimental 0:02:44 86 1441 2024-04-04 Favorite Share Remix 3 Daft punk - Derezzed (bassCOPP ft. Social Chaos REMIX) Kal-Kent uncategorized 0:04:10 132 2600 2012-11-03 Favorite Share Remix 4 Pluto meiisapo9t 1 Hip Hop hyperpopvocaloidtrapexperimental 0:01:30 119 2646 2022-04-03 Favorite Share 5 Chainsmoking po9t 1 Pop hiphoptraphyperpoppo9t 0:01:41 211 5251 2022-07-27 Favorite Share 6 Like A G6 (ft po9t X sebosito) meiisapo9t 1 Hip Hop sebositotrapvocaloidhyperpopvocalglitchcorepo9t 0:02:10 193 4254 2022-02-10 Favorite Share 7 Black Air Forces po9t 2 Trap hiphoppophyperpopglitchcorepo9t 0:01:46 166 3630 2022-07-27 Favorite Share 8 Ramzoid off the map (po9t remix) po9t 1 Experimental traphiphopramzoid 0:02:20 83 2701 2024-02-09 Favorite Share 9 PHONES (HTSL Tim Derry) Icebox 1 Funk retroyoutube1st episodetim derrypeachespianolil timiceboxsplitandmergeguitarbasshtsl audiotool edition 0:04:10 377 10765 2021-04-30 Favorite Share Remix 10 JINGLE BELL PHONK po9t 1 Trap christmaspoetphonkfreddie dreddjingle bellshaarperpo9t 0:01:01 239 9326 2022-12-19 Favorite Share 11 ih8everyoneleavemetfalone po9t 2 Experimental traphiphophyperpopglitchcore 0:01:40 100 1364 2022-07-27 Favorite Share 12 04/17 Beat Tape (prod po9t) po9t 1 Trap trancebirthdayexperimentalbishuedmhiphoptriphophyperpopbeat taperamzoidflumepo9tbeatboxing 0:02:30 94 3484 2023-04-17 Favorite Share 13 Sway. ▽Momo▽桃. 2 Trap 808hardwavy 0:03:00 92 1196 2022-03-15 Favorite Share 14 CTRL ALT DEL (po9t remix) po9t 1 Hip Hop corbinlofiscapetrapctrl alt delcoverpo9t 0:01:22 122 3246 2023-02-18 Favorite Share 15 the worst song ever made in history po9t 2 Indie the curesubjective is spectrumthis is arttrappls make the voices stopgod help mei have no originalityspelling is subjectiveliving is subjectiveart is lovememei need helpart is subjectivepo9tcursed2001 core 0:02:39 113 3193 2024-03-24 Favorite Share 16 picasso (pt I & II) po9t 2 Hip Hop rapdistortiontrapfuckgregrappingdarkpoetvocalsmelodicambientpo9tsinging 0:02:57 99 2154 2021-12-06 Favorite Share 17 lost in ur eyes </3 @nomadnohome 7 Hip Hop hiphopsnippetnomadtrapsoftnomad no home808albumguitarhypersad 0:00:38 53 877 2021-09-05 Favorite Share 18 Excite Me (seb X poet) po9tseb 2 Hip Hop sebositopoptrapexcitefuckgreghyperpoppo9t 0:02:14 121 2448 2022-01-30 Favorite Share 19 100ducks po9t 1 Birdcore hiphoptrapfuckgreghyperpopduckspo9t 0:01:13 128 2749 2022-05-05 Favorite Share 20 2faced (ft heads) po9t 7 Hip Hop experimentalxxxtentacionemoindiepeepdepressingguardinhiphoppoprapbedroompowfugothlofilyricstraplilpunk2facedpoetvocalsboysadmixinguwu 0:02:07 84 1348 2020-11-01 Favorite Share 21 Ryann's Theme po9t 1 Rock ryannsindietrancepophiphopshoegazetrapindie popsynthpopthemepo9t 0:02:43 165 6247 2023-04-04 Favorite Share 22 STOP.WATCH. Wrighteous uncategorized trapwrighteousfollowme 0:04:07 43 450 2015-10-01 Favorite Share Remix 23 Semi-Automatic Hamburger (The Pastry Boys) po9t 2 Trap mcdonaldssemi automaticthe pastry boyscountrypoetcringepo9tamericahamburger 0:01:55 103 2055 2023-05-10 Favorite Share 24 Better Days (ft LxneDxvah) po9t 1 Acoustic xxxtentacionemoindiehiphoplofilxnedxvahguitarpo9temotional 0:02:22 97 1964 2022-11-09 Favorite Share 25 Pulv Cult sea foam and the wind 1 Experimental 0:03:21 113 1936 2022-05-16 Favorite Share Remix 26 Teminite & MDK - Space Invaders (remix) XculE 1 EDM rockdubsteporchestriamdkxculepianocontestteminiteharpspace invadersguitarremix 0:05:26 66 1116 2019-08-24 Favorite Share 27 Zelda's Oath Gravidon 4 Future Bass melodiesflstudioocarinaoftimebreathofthewildpianofountainlozlegendetikaviolinnintendogravidonharpsichordfairymelodiclullabysummerofsingles2k19greatzeldaoathremix 0:04:12 46 445 2019-06-30 Favorite Share Remix 28 Hopes [Khář¡]' uncategorized ambientbasedhip hopdo tags even do anything?chill 0:04:10 45 1176 2015-08-11 Favorite Share Remix 29 Mirror (ft Gavriel X Mookigang) po9t 1 Downtempo hiphoplofimookigangguitaracousticpo9t 0:02:41 74 1234 2022-12-16 Favorite Share 30 Jetdarc's 3000 Follower Remix Comp (Closed/Results) Jetdarc 1 Newbie jetdarcremix comp 0:01:05 97 1849 2022-12-14 Favorite Share Remix 31 Jetdarc's 200 Follower Remix Comp [Closed/Results] Jetdarc 1 Chiptune do it 0:01:32 80 1825 2019-01-10 Favorite Share Remix 32 Back In 2014 When Things Were Easier (A Late Appreciation) SOLACE Ambient vent 0:02:04 52 512 2017-04-30 Favorite Share Remix