allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 slat. keybblade 1 Trap playboipierrecartichill synthvibe melody 0:02:14 302 7127 2019-12-04 Favorite Share 2 slate naut 4 Ambient percussivecalm 0:03:12 43 488 2018-12-06 Favorite Share Remix 3 slate aeiter 9 Lo-Fi eplofimulusvocalsguitaristguitar 0:01:30 18 398 2018-11-29 Favorite Share Remix 4 Slate [SUM001] TLIM SHUG uncategorized unmastered 0:08:28 27 337 2014-12-31 Favorite Share 5 slate vudumagic uncategorized lo-fihiphopvudusbznasrecyclebump 0:01:43 15 164 2016-09-20 Favorite Share Remix 6 hello/giving my happiness to blank slates kumokiri 1 Soundtrack ambienttexturemoodsrock 0:05:08 50 568 2022-02-03 Favorite Share 7 Slated dtmm (old: hellomynameis) uncategorized house124bpm 0:04:52 8 82 2013-07-15 Favorite Share Remix 8 slatt Blzrd Newbie lil uzislattraptraptype beatpierre bournenestoboomplayboi carti 0:02:41 13 158 2021-02-15 Favorite Share 9 -Slatt- Kuda$ Trap hiphopslattlitplayboicartililuziverthotwavey 0:01:10 9 82 2019-04-08 Favorite Share Remix 10 slatt kartiershawty Newbie 0:01:33 8 116 2019-12-25 Favorite Share Remix 11 New Slate (OGLabelVerse) CG Anderson 2 uncategorized 0:01:12 9 212 2016-01-17 Favorite Share Remix 12 jg slatt prod mir xoolin shawty 7 uncategorized splurgetisakorean 0:02:17 5 60 2018-11-30 Favorite Share 13 Dubstep Clean Slate MΛVΣЯIX uncategorized 0:01:06 4 50 2013-12-20 Favorite Share Remix 14 my last job this year | STYLE keybblade 3 Trap styleplayboipierreplayboi carticartislat 0:02:00 121 2188 2019-12-05 Favorite Share Remix 15 [2K18]Playboi Carti x Pierre Bourne Type Beat "SLATT" exotikpaxkdee Trap $$$pierrecarti 0:03:12 9 212 2018-08-19 Favorite Share Remix 16 MISS THE RAGE PT. 2 Blzrd Trap slatt808trippie reddmiss the ragepierre bournenestoboomplayboi cartiremake 0:02:38 52 1320 2021-02-04 Favorite Share 17 PLAYBOI CARTI x LIL UZI VERT "SLATT" |TYPE BEAT| ℙunkfrmda4 Newbie 0:02:48 5 20 2020-02-19 Favorite Share 18 s o r r y duckie Hip Hop experimentalchill trapchill outtrap 0:02:26 11 60 2021-11-10 Favorite Share 19 JUDAS PRIEST (ft Jacobslaughter) Vulkronpo9t 1 Trap 0:02:20 158 4099 2024-08-19 Favorite Share Remix 20 slow fall keybblade黒スペード BLXCKSPXDE Trap another worldfurrycollabatosphereslow padlil uzi vertpierreplayboi carticartislatvibegood vibe 0:02:26 46 535 2019-12-03 Favorite Share Remix 21 woahhh kartiershawty Newbie woahslatslimewheezy 0:01:22 13 148 2019-12-21 Favorite Share Remix 22 w i s h l i s t duckie Trap trapexperimental 0:02:17 10 52 2021-10-19 Favorite Share 23 Cathode Knights (Sndbrgn Remix) Snadbrugen uncategorized 0:06:01 97 1094 2015-02-18 Favorite Share Remix 24 ( if me and Wheezy made a beat together ) "woahhh" (DYNK) Drizz¥_.★ Trap wheezyhardrapbossa novatrapwoahsoundtrackdarkhardcoreheavybasshotslatslime 0:02:16 18 107 2020-08-06 Favorite Share Remix 25 limes *finesse/aqxa Trap mexikodroslatttrapstoopidxoolcartislime 0:01:56 9 77 2019-05-22 Favorite Share 26 The Noob's Audiotool Journey Begins SwimmUnicorn 10 Newbie this can be anythingnoob 0:01:47 20 144 2021-12-08 Favorite Share Remix 27 Going up (B.T.D) ... Trap styleplayboipierreplayboi carticartislat 0:01:43 4 14 2023-11-14 Favorite Share Remix 28 YUNGVLONEHOE Broke Boi Taylor (ON FL) Trap young4fuckslatt21playboi14nudypierrecarti7bourne 0:02:44 5 91 2019-01-09 Favorite Share Remix 29 drip walk RX-QUESO(ON FL) Trap wheezyhardrapbossa novatrapwoahsoundtrackdarkhardcoreheavybasshotslatslime 0:02:05 4 27 2021-07-23 Favorite Share Remix 30 Cathode Knights Remix Competition - [humasigno 2nd remix] humasigno (surfactant) uncategorized swagcathodesexyhumasignoknightsepicremix 0:05:07 12 80 2015-03-05 Favorite Share Remix 31 JUDAS PRIEST (ft Jacobslaughter)(KILLAMIX) killawolf productions Trap 0:02:20 4 24 2024-10-09 Favorite Share Remix 32 last minut35 - sold (chorus demo) LM35 (semi-archive) uncategorized islolminut35luxiormusicawesomepianocomposerindustryohaiabstractlastlm35minutesriaacomposedrockssongwritingoriginalsongwritersolacecompositionsold 0:01:12 13 233 2014-01-15 Favorite Share Remix