allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 moonboy, for sebastian looks 7 uncategorized 0:01:58 266 5074 2016-02-21 Favorite Share Remix 2 NFS CARBON (Sebastian's Theme) ATDAY24 seb 1 Techno atdayatday24tranceseb 0:01:45 65 1771 2024-12-04 Favorite Share Remix 3 Take (the hands of youngers, the words of olders) sebastian saldaño uncategorized dance120 bpmdeep 0:07:50 46 1140 2012-10-01 Favorite Share Remix 4 Stand Up Against Belo Monte Dam sebastian saldaño uncategorized damecologyfightdilma pare belo montehuman rights 0:03:55 45 2098 2012-10-10 Favorite Share Remix 5 rolling on red clay sebastian saldaño uncategorized tranceold schoolretrosynthelectronicdance 0:07:26 36 1544 2012-09-28 Favorite Share Remix 6 im still here seb 1 Newbie sebastianhyperpopsebosito 0:02:12 490 13199 2020-11-07 Favorite Share Remix 7 4D house plants (skateboard p) solar plexusseb 1 Trap huh 0:03:00 185 4603 2019-12-01 Favorite Share 8 aurora giver/starfish prime solar plexusseb 1 Trap huh 0:04:32 102 1758 2020-02-05 Favorite Share 9 blah blah (prod. scruff) seb 1 Newbie hyperpopsebastiansebosito 0:01:27 231 6869 2021-01-06 Favorite Share Remix 10 sayonara (remix) seb 1 Newbie sebastian 0:03:12 93 880 2020-05-22 Favorite Share Remix 11 memories in moments seb 1 Newbie sebastiansomewhere but nowherealbum 0:03:36 96 1729 2020-07-08 Favorite Share Remix 12 heritage seb 3 Newbie sebastian 0:01:41 53 401 2020-02-25 Favorite Share Remix 13 forrest love [x] seb 5 Newbie sebositosebastrianidk 0:01:15 44 324 2021-02-08 Favorite Share Remix 14 home (synth pack) seb 8 Newbie sebastian 0:00:46 36 247 2020-03-22 Favorite Share 15 thought seb 2 Newbie sebastiansomewhere but nowherealbum 0:03:21 63 542 2020-09-05 Favorite Share Remix 16 BONErr (remix) seb 3 Newbie hyperpopsebositosebastiansebii 0:01:15 117 1700 2020-12-28 Favorite Share Remix 17 you stay seb 2 Newbie hyperpopsebastiansebosito 0:01:30 105 1463 2021-01-15 Favorite Share 18 connections (w/ heissen) seb 2 Newbie heissensebastiansomewhere but nowherealbum 0:03:34 55 561 2020-09-25 Favorite Share 19 hypnagogic (sebosito x sent) sent cinematics 4 Trap hypertraphyperpop 0:01:41 66 848 2021-01-22 Favorite Share Remix 20 nov_2020KAS seb 3 Newbie kaspastelbouncesebastian 0:00:26 70 569 2020-11-03 Favorite Share 21 i saw you seb 6 Newbie sebastianindiehyperpopsebosito 0:02:37 68 552 2021-01-06 Favorite Share Remix 22 never wanna talk about seb 5 Newbie sebositohyperchillsebastian 0:00:41 56 603 2021-01-05 Favorite Share 23 im still here for you seb 1 Newbie sebastianhyperpopsebosito 0:02:12 52 458 2022-06-18 Favorite Share Remix 24 w/ sim seb 4 Newbie simsebastian 0:01:44 38 287 2020-05-04 Favorite Share Remix 25 i dont know what to do sebsolar plexus 3 Newbie sebastianheissentraphyperpopvocals 0:03:10 70 894 2021-01-05 Favorite Share Remix 26 offbeat cuteness :D seb 4 Newbie sebositosebastiancute 0:01:34 37 302 2021-02-05 Favorite Share Remix 27 REwind (Don't believe the hype) Tottenhauser uncategorized dnbdarkoldskool 0:05:27 159 6634 2012-09-27 Favorite Share Remix 28 im still here [vista rmx] viista 4 Trap downtemposebastianrmxepicvocalsvistamistaremix 0:02:18 68 1090 2020-11-14 Favorite Share 29 im still here (remix) XculE Trap sebastianim still herexculehyperpopvocalsremix 0:02:25 64 1285 2020-12-23 Favorite Share 30 Effervescent (Lurk)oden Bass Music tempochangegrowlidkupbeatstabkeychangebass 0:04:32 38 200 2019-12-01 Favorite Share 31 Inconsistent Tyburn uncategorized 0:01:53 55 933 2012-04-02 Favorite Share Remix 32 Synthacaglia Jordi Moragues Other electronicapassacagliapulverisateurclassicalbach 0:12:41 37 895 2015-06-20 Favorite Share Remix