allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 Muda Kingdom Remix Ft. Orchestrate Nintendork uncategorized mariomuda kingdomretroorchestratesuper marioland8-bitvintagenintendorksuperclassicoldsuper mario landkingdommudanintendogame boyvideogameboynintendork99video gamegameremix 0:01:22 18 321 2013-09-20 Favorite Share Remix 2 Renovacio Atmo uncategorized 0:02:16 70 2541 2012-01-25 Favorite Share Remix 3 Lil Uzi Vert - Super Nintendo *Luv Is Rage 2 Type Beat* Tokyo uncategorized newwave444+222luvisragewhyhateliluzivertluvisrage2222222222 0:04:48 18 382 2017-08-30 Favorite Share 4 Super Mario Bros Theme Song almate uncategorized mario180 bpm8-bitalmatenintendoalmost originalnerdchiptune 0:01:54 178 3622 2013-07-30 Favorite Share Remix 5 Super Mario 64 OST: Piranha Plant's Lullaby (Lofi Piano Cover) DJ Agony 4 Soundtrack pianoremixrelaxingcalmsoothingnintendo 0:02:14 29 285 2023-05-09 Favorite Share 6 Pokémon Stadium OST - Mewtwo Battle (Chiptune remix) DJ Agony 2 Chiptune retron64covernintendomew2 0:04:09 23 232 2024-05-13 Favorite Share Remix 7 Super Mario Bros Theme Song (C sling Remix) C Sling uncategorized mario180 bpm8-bitalmatenintendoalmost originalnerdchiptune 0:01:54 71 1555 2014-02-01 Favorite Share Remix 8 Super Mario RPG - Forest Maze (Chiptune Remix) DJ Agony 2 Chiptune nintendogamingvgmcoverpixelretro 0:03:01 52 677 2024-04-29 Favorite Share Remix 9 Playing With Power Mike Harding on the beat uncategorized dubstep2013drumstepnintendo8 bit 0:02:49 44 1083 2013-04-25 Favorite Share Remix 10 Mega Man 3 Theme Remix Parallax uncategorized 2014hardstyledubstepcapcommega mannintendo 0:03:11 39 652 2014-11-10 Favorite Share Remix 11 Remember64 Dzool uncategorized remember64nintendo 0:03:21 24 125 2014-01-08 Favorite Share 12 Mindset SOLACE Chiptune 0:05:15 75 908 2014-04-14 Favorite Share Remix 13 7bit kung pao uncategorized 0:01:59 27 223 2013-05-08 Favorite Share 14 Wii Sports (Dubstep Remake) (lm35 Remixtendo) LM35 (semi-archive) uncategorized rockstepdubstepminut35wubwubvolexalastnintendowiisports 0:00:34 46 869 2014-04-12 Favorite Share Remix 15 Mario theme Breadloaf64 uncategorized super mariomario themenintendoluigitheme 0:01:00 27 698 2012-06-03 Favorite Share Remix 16 Super Mario 2 Luba uncategorized supermario2nintendo 0:02:18 21 310 2014-03-11 Favorite Share Remix 17 Castlevania Vampir Luba uncategorized musiccastelvanianintendovampirgame 0:01:32 20 172 2014-04-03 Favorite Share Remix 18 Playing with Power (Parallax Remix) Parallax uncategorized dubstep2013drumstepnintendoepicdjmkeparallaxremix8 bit 0:03:06 28 517 2013-07-08 Favorite Share Remix 19 Super Mario (Psy-Trance Remix) brain-walker Trance mario8-bitgoa133 bpmnintendochiptunepsy-trance 0:04:11 23 1973 2013-09-28 Favorite Share Remix 20 Midna's Lament (Gravidon Remix) Gravidon Downtempo swordbacon xddubstep?masterhyruleprincessnegativetwilightdespairemotionloz3/4nintendogravidonsimpledark-princecoollinklamentechoalbumbassmelodicevolutionmidnamournmedievalzeldadecayremix 0:05:00 37 774 2014-06-01 Favorite Share 21 Super Mario Bros Theme Song (opaque) opaqity uncategorized mario180 bpm8-bitalmatenintendoalmost originalnerdchiptune 0:01:57 24 402 2014-04-01 Favorite Share Remix 22 Uncharted Water [offbeatninja] uncategorized snesvibenintendonin ten dohhip-hopoffbeatninjachill 0:02:05 18 202 2013-07-18 Favorite Share 23 Zelda's Oath Gravidon 4 Future Bass melodiesflstudioocarinaoftimebreathofthewildpianofountainlozlegendetikaviolinnintendogravidonharpsichordfairymelodiclullabysummerofsingles2k19greatzeldaoathremix 0:04:12 46 445 2019-06-30 Favorite Share Remix 24 The Legend of Zelda - Title Music (NES Classic) Mr_Blue_Sky uncategorized zeldaofsystemthekondokojineslegendnintendomr_blue_skyentertainment 0:02:32 24 802 2011-06-16 Favorite Share Remix 25 God's Cry (feat. Vulkron) GravidonVulkron 1 Future Bass vulkrongodscollabrotekgravidonrevivaloftheexiledkingpaincry 0:04:20 143 3076 2019-02-03 Favorite Share Remix 26 Console Startup Challenge (YITO Entry) yito ☮ 6 Newbie console sturtupproducer challengetwo swordedprolly not that good 0:00:16 30 323 2020-06-29 Favorite Share Remix 27 It's Super Effective! one uncategorized it'swildisnbattle&it!effectivesuperdnbdrumnintendobyeah...basspokemongameandfreakremixd 0:01:26 28 609 2013-05-22 Favorite Share Remix 28 Skull Kid - Hppy Brthdy SKULL KID uncategorized glitchybumps40ozchopped<3knocksremixnintendoteleportationdreamsmixskull kid[offbeatninja123]8bitfrench?sampledrumsmega manhappyba$$2 me& screwedbirthdaybeatchildhood 0:02:17 28 345 2013-06-28 Favorite Share 29 Super Mario Bros (C Sling Remix 2) C Sling uncategorized mario180 bpm8-biticetrapalmatenintendoinstrumentalnicebassrapalmost originalepicdrumnerdbeatsickchiptunecoolchill 0:03:57 28 589 2014-04-11 Favorite Share Remix 30 Crunch on the Snare [quotz] 4 Lo-Fi earl sweatshirtmixed and shot on potatomath class 0:01:06 19 191 2021-12-16 Favorite Share 31 VS1 viista 6 Experimental start upmusicsound designvideo game 0:01:28 28 175 2021-03-26 Favorite Share Remix 32 Láskavý (Caring) [Tribute] XculE 10 Other tributexculepianocaringstringsharp 0:04:48 31 226 2019-11-24 Favorite Share