allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 meant to be mavis Other mavis 0:03:15 46 473 2022-11-22 Favorite Share 2 take me with you, wherever you go mavismavis's library 6 Other mavistakemewithyouwhereveryou 0:03:12 39 231 2021-03-16 Favorite Share 3 you don't exist for me anymore mavismavis's library 7 Other mavisyoudontexistformeanymore 0:06:06 37 236 2020-12-01 Favorite Share 4 farthest human from earth mavis 8 Other farthesthumanfromearthmavis 0:05:03 30 126 2021-09-01 Favorite Share 5 leave me with nothing mavis Other oldiemaviskhasm 0:02:08 32 129 2020-10-22 Favorite Share 6 goodbye to you my friend mavismavis's library Other mavis 0:01:44 20 83 2021-07-05 Favorite Share 7 star gate mavis 8 Other mavisstargate 0:02:26 23 103 2021-09-12 Favorite Share 8 no more tomorrow mavis Other nomoretomorrowmavis 0:06:17 23 99 2021-09-20 Favorite Share 9 chemlights mavis Other mavischemlight 0:02:57 22 90 2021-07-13 Favorite Share 10 cry if you wan't [failed] mavis Other cryifyouwantmavis 0:04:32 19 118 2021-02-20 Favorite Share 11 master peace mavismavis's library Other mavismasterpeace 0:02:47 18 71 2021-08-27 Favorite Share 12 forget to pretend mavis 7 Other mavisforgettopretend 0:02:30 17 75 2022-12-30 Favorite Share 13 oh no mavis's library Other mavis 0:02:10 14 53 2020-10-16 Favorite Share 14 stars that don't shine for me mavis Other mavis 0:02:25 12 69 2022-11-19 Favorite Share 15 i will never lose again mavis Other mavisiwillneverloseagain 0:03:15 9 48 2023-03-06 Favorite Share 16 suburbs [w/ flu, yonko & mavis] nwoknowtletyonko Lo-Fi 600 0:02:38 69 1017 2018-08-03 Favorite Share 17 moog mavis sample pack naswalt 2 Other moogsamplessample packtrap 0:00:25 51 642 2023-12-29 Favorite Share Remix 18 Diles Mavis Merle uncategorized 0:03:31 23 341 2011-06-05 Favorite Share Remix 19 ryuichi sakamoto - smithereens [remade by mavis] lord mandy Soundtrack lordmandymavisryuichimandymusesakamoto 0:02:27 15 107 2019-05-28 Favorite Share 20 the way home V S D 1 Other vsdmaviswaymandymusehomethe 0:01:56 110 2352 2019-04-14 Favorite Share 21 Citrus Soul - Mavi x MF DOOM x Earl type beat [quotz] Hip Hop looplofimaviearlbump-ishmf doom 0:02:08 7 27 2021-01-27 Favorite Share 22 Let the Sun Talk - Mavi X Earl Sweatshirt x Navy Blue type beat [quotz] Hip Hop sweatshirtsoulmavigospelearlnavy blueoffkilter 0:01:12 7 41 2021-01-26 Favorite Share 23 Leafz- Ft Earl Sweatshirt [quotz] Lo-Fi soulearlmikemavi 0:02:10 21 119 2021-09-15 Favorite Share 24 outta my league lord mandy Other lordmandyleaguemavismyoutta 0:00:38 17 101 2019-05-18 Favorite Share 25 filtered photos [quotz] Hip Hop maviearlsoul 0:02:21 12 135 2021-05-09 Favorite Share 26 Anymore (YAM Remix) Oyen uncategorized mavisanymoreremixcomp 0:02:34 7 147 2018-02-02 Favorite Share Remix 27 brown eyed [quotz] Lo-Fi soulmavinavy bluedoo-wopalbumearl sweatshirt 0:01:51 15 108 2021-05-04 Favorite Share 28 grime / [witches] [quotz] Hip Hop soulearlmavi 0:01:05 9 52 2021-05-09 Favorite Share 29 into sunsets [quotz] Lo-Fi maviearlsoul 0:01:30 9 55 2021-05-09 Favorite Share 30 more beats. [Full Beat Tape] [quotz] Lo-Fi experimentalsoulmavigospelsp404sxnavy bluequotzbumpearl sweatshirtoffbeat 0:08:02 18 79 2021-09-15 Favorite Share 31 j'ai perdu ivris Newbie jai perdulofifuture bass 0:01:33 7 43 2018-11-22 Favorite Share 32 Mevis X Ivris - ivris uncategorized a1s4♥ 0:03:48 22 260 2018-03-18 Favorite Share Remix