allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 Gritty Kepz Techno dub-techno 0:04:46 153 3244 2016-12-23 Favorite Share Remix 2 Gritar KennyP uncategorized technoversion 2 0:02:38 58 518 2013-10-11 Favorite Share Remix 3 grit in. Bass Music uk grimegrime 0:03:39 17 168 2020-01-15 Favorite Share 4 Depth and Grit Polygon Cube uncategorized dubstep 0:03:19 28 294 2014-06-08 Favorite Share Remix 5 Gritty Bass testing? Virtual Reality uncategorized bassdubstep 0:00:32 19 118 2015-08-19 Favorite Share Remix 6 Finish-Yo-Grits[15 min beat] [Hybrid] uncategorized smoke 0:01:10 17 275 2016-03-03 Favorite Share Remix 7 undone nico 1 Pop gritinterpersonalitysolipsist 0:03:10 75 1125 2022-07-03 Favorite Share Remix 8 Locusts Vectorshock (DARKLITE) uncategorized grittyheavybasslocusts 0:02:53 123 1729 2015-03-17 Favorite Share Remix 9 purpose naut 1 Acoustic grittydissonantguitar 0:04:59 75 1399 2021-11-24 Favorite Share Remix 10 Psycho - [Full Track] Infyuthsion uncategorized industrialdarkgrittyebm 0:04:54 72 2047 2010-11-26 Favorite Share Remix 11 Virux X Vertrix X Nushiro - RADIATION viruxVERTRIX 5 Bass Music deathgritbrutalviolencedeathstepindustrialtearout 0:03:17 47 409 2022-02-06 Favorite Share Remix 12 Letting Go of Her archangel [快] Experimental lonelypercsgritdepressedpainbass 0:02:35 42 343 2019-04-08 Favorite Share Remix 13 Game Over. [Paradoxal Remix] 2.0 Azzect uncategorized trancegritchypianocontestpadtrancepadmixover140bpmchilllifebassambientcompetitiongameremix 0:04:48 38 334 2013-03-29 Favorite Share Remix 14 909.7.4 (909 Day Contest) Jetdarc 1 Bass Music 7/4techno909the wigglesgrittydrumheavytime signaturebass 0:02:17 76 2092 2021-09-09 Favorite Share Remix 15 Frantically Searching for the Unknown PerditionUprooted Audio 2 Bass Music screamgritbrutalscaryatmospheredeathstepresamplingunknownresampledarkuprootedatmoepicheavyteaserminatoryalbumuprootedaudioperditionfearupcoming 0:02:34 67 1454 2019-05-18 Favorite Share 16 To The Sky Dei Servus uncategorized gritskydei servusharddubsteptheto 0:03:46 22 143 2013-03-22 Favorite Share 17 We Invent the Real (unfinished) Nora Cola uncategorized cyberpunk80sindustrialheavy leadelectro popgrittydiy 0:02:32 40 1640 2012-09-20 Favorite Share 18 Relapse PerditionUprooted Audio 8 Bass Music dirtyhalftimedeathstepresamplegrittyheavyminatorymetal 0:03:38 34 276 2019-11-28 Favorite Share 19 Experiments in Sound SouthBronxDen Experimental sbdpulvh 0:03:41 20 90 2013-12-29 Favorite Share Remix 20 Cruising EZ STEEZY uncategorized gritheavyelectroelectronicawaveshufflesoundbass 0:05:54 18 166 2012-05-19 Favorite Share Remix 21 SeNorita (Ft. Vince Staples) KLVSS uncategorized senoritavinceremake 0:02:43 20 245 2017-07-30 Favorite Share Remix 22 excess// california blends po9t 2 Indie the brinkpo9t 0:01:48 60 945 2024-05-09 Favorite Share 23 Inorganic Compound floydpjasper uncategorized electricgrittydubshimmyshimmy-yarootsrawreggaelofisynth 0:03:40 18 131 2015-07-06 Favorite Share Remix 24 187 CLICC Zatsykogabbo Hip Hop boom bapcollaboldschoolgrittybeatgangstabass187 0:02:37 16 104 2021-09-28 Favorite Share Remix 25 Aneurysm Ryan W. uncategorized rw 0:04:50 22 183 2012-12-11 Favorite Share Remix 26 Kills your speaker [pe] Techno 132 bpm 0:02:32 17 80 2019-09-21 Favorite Share Remix 27 Vertex (Home Office) kiari 2 Techno house 0:04:10 48 520 2020-06-14 Favorite Share Remix 28 Monotron Kicks Audio Resource Collective Newbie kickdistortionjordi moraguessamples 0:00:30 32 497 2018-11-18 Favorite Share Remix 29 Your broken promises Crazy about You uncategorized ambientchillslowesperandote 0:03:55 76 2183 2015-10-15 Favorite Share Remix 30 Acid Bubbles (100 follower milestone) Polygon Cube uncategorized thank you all100technoetcmilestonefolloweracid:d 0:03:34 53 415 2012-06-08 Favorite Share Remix 31 Aristeia The Seahorse uncategorized big beathouse 0:05:40 29 269 2014-05-14 Favorite Share Remix 32 D Town Flow Filoy 靄 6 Trap hip hopdetroitvocalsrap 0:02:24 38 499 2024-11-24 Favorite Share Remix