allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 Mexikodro (prod. DXM!) ×JuugKorp× DXM! 4 Trap bando shittrapwaveyelemental pokemon shit 0:02:41 99 1667 2019-08-25 Favorite Share Remix 2 Moosey - Searching (Prod. DXM!) ×JuugKorp× DXM!MOOSEY ♪ 4 Newbie gunnametro boominlil babymexikodroraphugo joelove songkodak black21 savagetrappluggzcollabpoloboyshawtydrumstepdxmbarsstoopidxoolmooseycardi bbassbluefacemelodichip hopdrakesadwaveyxangangjuice wrld 0:02:35 58 863 2019-06-23 Favorite Share Remix 3 2 9's (DXM! X Y.G.M.) ×JuugKorp× DXM! 3 Soundtrack rapjuggtrappluggandbdxmiceyygmwaveyplugg 0:03:12 34 422 2019-09-27 Favorite Share Remix 4 Glowing prod by DXM MOOSEY ♪ 1 Hip Hop vibesglowingfireraptrappluggzcanadianslit2019chilldxmbarsiceymooseymelodicambienthip hopwavey 0:03:39 119 2732 2019-09-12 Favorite Share Remix 5 Trappin' and Juggin' ×JuugKorp× DXM! 2 Newbie 0:03:31 69 1065 2019-02-12 Favorite Share Remix 6 Playboi Carti Type Beat 2019 "FLYy" ×JuugKorp× DXM!Zaytheheatmaker (FL) 10 Newbie lil yachtymexikodrotrapfamous dexpierre bourneplayboi cartipoloboy shawtywavey 0:02:08 55 628 2019-03-16 Favorite Share 7 Shorline Mafia Type Beat (Im Back Sort Of) ×JuugKorp× DXM! Newbie dxmreturn 0:02:19 25 297 2020-07-11 Favorite Share Remix 8 Hunnids of Bans ×JuugKorp× DXM! uncategorized 0:03:03 47 754 2018-07-25 Favorite Share Remix 9 Pi'erre Bourne X Mexikodro X Playboi Carti X Diego Money Type Be ×JuugKorp× DXM! uncategorized lil uzimexikodroplaybo cartinebu kinizabronxclout musicdiego moneypierre bournepurple drank 0:01:33 46 954 2018-02-14 Favorite Share Remix 10 Playboi Carti Type Beat "KaRmA" ×JuugKorp× DXM![ T.S.M] Loui BeatzBasedPari$JaySea (Leaving) Newbie playboi cartidurag shitpierre bourne 0:01:52 46 697 2019-02-25 Favorite Share Remix 11 Mexikodro Type Beat 2019 "Rainbow xAn" ×JuugKorp× DXM! Newbie mexikodrohugo joenebu kinizakodak blacktrappluggzdirty spritehumble haitian140 bpmdiego moneystoopidxoolskudnewbieplayboi cartipoloboy shawtywaveyxangangblack boe 0:02:18 44 422 2019-02-23 Favorite Share Remix 12 Stoopidxool x Mexikodro type beat (undone) ×JuugKorp× DXM!kidnawty (nova) uncategorized stoopidxool???mexikodro???pierrebourne???playboi carti??? 0:03:29 43 846 2018-04-08 Favorite Share Remix 13 pierre bourne type beat "Hapie" ×JuugKorp× DXM!★KCTheProducer★PurpleSFX uncategorized pierrebournemexikodroplayboicartiicetwat 0:01:32 41 913 2018-05-04 Favorite Share Remix 14 --Plug In---Duck Out-- ×JuugKorp× DXM! Other mexikodroraptokyotrappluggzchillstoopidxoolpierre bourneiceymelodicambienthip hoppoloboy shawtywaveyxangang 0:02:24 41 526 2019-07-17 Favorite Share Remix 15 Metro Boomin Type Beat " Savage Boomin" ×JuugKorp× DXM!BasedPari$ uncategorized future21savageccxmetroboominlondonondatrack 0:03:18 34 790 2017-08-23 Favorite Share Remix 16 mexikodro type beat snippet ×JuugKorp× DXM!Villa uncategorized mexikodronebu kinizayung bandsstoopidxoolmelodic 0:01:37 34 762 2018-05-18 Favorite Share Remix 17 --They Thought-- feat. GodMoosey (Prod. DashGuapoBeats) ×JuugKorp× DXM!PurpleSFX Newbie raptrapcanadadark808godmooseybass 0:02:54 33 408 2019-05-01 Favorite Share Remix 18 Demons In My Sleep ×JuugKorp× DXM! uncategorized futurelil uzimexikodropierrebourne21 savagetrapdarkplayboi cartimetroboominlil skieswavy 0:02:03 31 477 2018-03-24 Favorite Share Remix 19 Mexikodro x poloboy shawty type beat (undone) ×JuugKorp× DXM! uncategorized 0:03:15 28 454 2018-04-26 Favorite Share Remix 20 Hurcan Dreams ×JuugKorp× DXM! Trap future21 savagemetroboominbluefacejuice wrld 0:02:01 28 288 2019-02-23 Favorite Share Remix 21 How to make a "trap" beat. Simple steps. ×JuugKorp× DXM! Newbie firetraplil pumpbeatfyeshitty rapper type beatfiyerlexfigher 0:03:22 28 623 2019-06-26 Favorite Share Remix 22 flex ×JuugKorp× DXM! Newbie cartixangangpluggz 0:03:52 28 283 2019-09-16 Favorite Share Remix 23 /--For3igN--\ ×JuugKorp× DXM! Newbie gunnalil yachtylil babyybn nahmirfuturelil uzimexikodroraphugo joenebu kiniza21 savagesynthtrapaudiotoolnbklil pumpflgraveyard beatzyung bansstoopidxoolnew rapskudnewbiebeatsmetroboominbluefacehip hopmurda beatswaveysouthsideyung scooterjuice wrld 0:02:51 27 326 2019-02-21 Favorite Share Remix 24 Gassed Up Instrumental (undone Feel free to remix) ×JuugKorp× DXM!ZhiZhi13Dragon™[ T.S.M] Loui Beatz uncategorized plz remix 0:01:02 26 450 2018-01-26 Favorite Share Remix 25 pierre bourne x Stoopidxool Type Beat ×JuugKorp× DXM! 9 Newbie juugkorpdroluckidxmnudycartiygm 0:01:36 23 315 2020-02-27 Favorite Share Remix 26 foreign ×JuugKorp× DXM!JaySea (Leaving) Newbie 0:01:51 24 186 2019-03-08 Favorite Share Remix 27 Mangolia (playboi Carti) ×JuugKorp× DXM! uncategorized 0:03:23 23 288 2017-12-22 Favorite Share Remix 28 +Seeing Purple+ ×JuugKorp× DXM!PurpleSFX Newbie mexikodrotrapcollabstoopidxooliceypluggbeatspoloboy shawtywaveyxangang 0:03:07 20 322 2019-03-08 Favorite Share Remix 29 %Cop% ×JuugKorp× DXM! Newbie plugandbmexikodrodiegomoney900k gangdxmyungbrandoyung bansstoopidxoolpluggxangang 0:02:22 15 179 2019-09-15 Favorite Share 30 2_Wavey ×JuugKorp× DXM! Newbie 0:01:42 17 182 2019-04-16 Favorite Share Remix 31 famous dex X Poloboy Shawty type beat 2k19 ×JuugKorp× DXM! Newbie mexikodrotrapfamous dexstoopidxoolpoloboy shawtywaveyplugg 0:01:54 14 118 2019-05-24 Favorite Share 32 "Night Fall" (Prod. By NtBeatz Ft. DXM) Frisly [ On FL Studios ]×JuugKorp× DXM! Trap moodytraphappydxmenjoymelodicntbeatz 0:03:27 15 164 2019-10-03 Favorite Share