allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 Skim Milk Bumps uncategorized 60_sec_bumpsuprisingfunk 0:01:00 62 498 2012-06-22 Favorite Share 2 Harlem Groove Bumps uncategorized 60_sec_bumpsuprisingrnb 0:01:00 33 434 2012-06-21 Favorite Share 3 bumpski Nicholas Smith 9 Hip Hop 0:00:48 30 264 2019-06-21 Favorite Share Remix 4 Booty Bumps Uprising uncategorized 0:05:15 42 794 2017-07-15 Favorite Share 5 DubLion - Midnight Bumps [PhysiK edit] nwokn uncategorized hip hoptrip hopchill 0:02:52 29 145 2016-08-10 Favorite Share Remix 6 kyoto-shibuya [bump] reyRoy ↨ 3 Lo-Fi vibesswaghiphopobnchillbumps 0:01:30 125 1420 2020-10-22 Favorite Share Remix 7 POV your elevator plays lofi music Roy ↨ 3 Lo-Fi hiphopbumps 0:02:56 49 485 2020-12-17 Favorite Share 8 rain beats vol. 3 rey[ALJ] [hiatus]SomaVII 초ag. 1 Lo-Fi vibesquaratinejupiterartclubhiphop8902tapelofimegacollabadultswimchillphonkchill hopbumps 0:18:59 174 4909 2020-04-17 Favorite Share 9 At night Roy ↨ 2 Lo-Fi lofihiphopbumpsbump 0:02:40 56 630 2021-04-21 Favorite Share 10 one day with you LAVI AMOR uncategorized xion 0:01:02 59 502 2015-04-30 Favorite Share Remix 11 implore viista 3 Hip Hop nicoadult swimbumperbumpbumps 0:03:52 57 892 2021-05-17 Favorite Share Remix 12 impact! nexthour 3 Drum & Bass padbasswavybumps 0:02:00 37 268 2021-10-25 Favorite Share 13 ~morioh cho~ moving accountsdotaki.WINTER 3 Lo-Fi radiobumpshiphop 0:02:20 34 457 2019-12-16 Favorite Share Remix 14 oregano fidelity uncategorized 0:00:32 47 534 2015-09-27 Favorite Share 15 (Beat Tape. Vol 1.) (ᶜⁱʳᶜˡᵉˢ) ♪yito ☮★KCTheProducer★[quotz]duckie 1 Soundtrack warmcollabbeat tapejazzvibelo-fi trapstudybumps 0:08:38 61 858 2021-05-21 Favorite Share Remix 16 journey. (ft. Mumu, Nestoboom) Mumudotaki. 3 Lo-Fi vibeshiphopchilloutchilled cowchilllo-fi-hiphopbumps 0:01:45 54 619 2020-08-20 Favorite Share Remix 17 Nugroove. Lo-Fi hiphopbumpsvibeschill 0:01:25 29 341 2021-01-17 Favorite Share Remix 18 kantellnolies (2nicewitit rmx). G's (making music)[ALJ] [hiatus]dotaki. Lo-Fi vibesjupiterartclubhiphop8902vibebeatboxingbumps 0:03:02 44 767 2020-05-18 Favorite Share Remix 19's 300 remix comp / sample challenge - Soma Entry. Soma Lo-Fi vibescomphiphopbeatsampleextremeremixbumps 0:02:04 36 480 2019-10-11 Favorite Share Remix 20 If Only... [offbeatninja] uncategorized bumpslovebeatship-hopuhhhloop$ 0:01:10 33 369 2015-10-07 Favorite Share 21 I burned your afro Roy ↨ Lo-Fi chopshiphopmacksoulafrobumps 0:01:49 33 260 2020-12-05 Favorite Share 22 clwnbizness hvd uncategorized bump 0:01:08 55 512 2014-07-11 Favorite Share Remix 23 audiotool tapes vol.1 ag.akicita[ALJ] [hiatus]resol.Ty FreestyleM∀L ✨dotaki.ruary 2 Hip Hop vibesmadlibjupiterkawuelahiphopkrautrockfreddie gibbsknxwledgenujabes8902lo fiboom baptrapchillhopaudiotoolconneticutartklubdotphase2021beat tapephonkthe portjujuohblivbumps 0:26:24 91 1306 2020-07-29 Favorite Share 24 too much. (Flying Lotus) ApoCyoung? (old!) 10 Hip Hop vibes8902flying lotusbeatsapocvibebeatboxingbumps 0:01:14 32 302 2020-05-23 Favorite Share 25 Skull Kid - ƵƎΠ SKULL KID uncategorized 40oz bumpbuddahskull kidmind's eyeflutejapanese 0:01:37 67 634 2014-05-07 Favorite Share 26 Skull Kid - $HINØBI SKULL KID uncategorized 40oz bumpninja$$$wake&bumpskull kidshinobi 0:01:13 54 433 2014-04-19 Favorite Share Remix 27 Skull Kid - Hppy Brthdy SKULL KID uncategorized glitchybumps40ozchopped<3knocksremixnintendoteleportationdreamsmixskull kid[offbeatninja123]8bitfrench?sampledrumsmega manhappyba$$2 me& screwedbirthdaybeatchildhood 0:02:17 28 345 2013-06-28 Favorite Share 28 We [as] hvd uncategorized we [as] 0:03:42 46 394 2013-04-24 Favorite Share Remix 29 Hemp Dive [as] hvd uncategorized [as] 0:02:06 36 414 2013-04-23 Favorite Share Remix 30 Spindianna Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arps Uprising uncategorized uprisingdnb 0:04:24 141 2577 2012-06-28 Favorite Share Remix 31 [leaf] S.N.O.V.A. uncategorized updatenoticechillambience 0:02:37 28 365 2014-09-25 Favorite Share Remix 32 Dig (DnB,Glitch,Hardstyle hybrid) Uprising uncategorized uprisingdigglitchdnbhardstyle 0:04:00 162 7556 2012-10-06 Favorite Share Remix