allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 A.F.G. PROD AFGang uncategorized youngniggax3la a.f.gang 0:01:24 3 290 2013-02-26 Favorite Share 2 Round 2 afghanflan uncategorized 0:02:58 1 7 2013-08-13 Favorite Share Remix 3 Round 2 (snippet) afghanflan uncategorized 0:02:58 1 10 2013-08-13 Favorite Share 4 beyond - produced by afghanjuice. uncommonafghan Trap 0:02:10 2 11 2021-02-14 Favorite Share 5 AFG Exclusive PalmSquad Edition uncategorized trippy mane 0:02:03 1 139 2013-02-27 Favorite Share 6 Trapadellic Monster X3LA! uncategorized smoketrippytrapacidweedtrill3xafg420 0:04:52 6 76 2014-01-14 Favorite Share 7 TraP Addict 2 Phazes! X3LA! uncategorized trilltheactionfiguresafgangtraptrill3xinstrumentalafgrapbeatxela 0:01:30 2 41 2013-07-09 Favorite Share Remix 8 ZOMBI3Z!! (prod.Trill3X) X3LA! uncategorized afgtrillexactionfigurestrap 0:01:18 2 23 2013-06-26 Favorite Share 9 The Space Experience (prod.Trill3X) X3LA! uncategorized trancetheactionfigureselectrictrippyflightabstracttraptrill3xexperiencespacebeattrillexambientdrugafg 0:03:26 3 42 2013-07-14 Favorite Share 10 muziek MGking uncategorized 0:00:36 22 79 2016-11-11 Favorite Share Remix 11 The Twilight Zone X3LA! uncategorized trillexafgyoungspliff. 0:01:21 1 44 2013-04-21 Favorite Share 12 Roll It UP X3LA! uncategorized trillexyoungspliffafgtheactionfigures 0:01:40 1 37 2013-05-18 Favorite Share 13 Clockwork TurboFrysk uncategorized clock 0:02:15 6 43 2018-03-11 Favorite Share Remix 14 #WoopTrapG0dz X3LA! uncategorized youngnigga aka youngspliff & x3la aka trillex afg a.f.gang 0:01:20 3 133 2013-03-06 Favorite Share 15 Salsa Market (finished) TurboFrysk uncategorized mexicoexperimentalmachinisteturbofryskfinishedaudiotrackbasslinesalsamarketcentroidbeatboxmexican 0:02:50 22 221 2017-03-17 Favorite Share Remix 16 Drink Up (freestyle soon) X3LA! uncategorized trippydrinkturnuptrap 0:01:52 2 28 2014-04-09 Favorite Share 17 Paradise Found PalmBay (Lavish Life) X3LA! uncategorized smokesteptrapx3lachillbeachweed420 0:02:34 2 32 2014-05-01 Favorite Share 18 Sexy sin Ultimix! X3LA! uncategorized trancewowjumptrapbouncehouse 0:08:13 2 37 2014-06-03 Favorite Share 19 PL_RPLE X3LA! uncategorized trapshitdopekillyourself 0:01:22 2 171 2014-08-08 Favorite Share 20 воздушный патруль, Афганистан 1989 Thorbjørn Ragnar Synthwave retrowavesovietwave 0:03:22 2 19 2020-05-21 Favorite Share 21 $ Float On $ Prod By PalmSquad x X3LA! X3LA! uncategorized trillsmokedopetrapganjachillspaceshit420hiphop 0:02:37 1 307 2014-12-06 Favorite Share 22 meme team diskluuk uncategorized post 0:02:43 3 21 2018-05-18 Favorite Share 23 opdracht 3/Rambambam by MGking uncategorized 0:03:09 20 89 2017-04-05 Favorite Share Remix 24 get ready ries_houthuijzen uncategorized vetbeatdrop 0:03:56 5 94 2015-06-08 Favorite Share Remix 25 Smoke Break X3LA uncategorized yungnigga aka youngspliff & xela aka trillex afg production 0:01:52 1 58 2013-02-26 Favorite Share 26 currite per oppidum Jelt legoDJ uncategorized musicpianogitarkickviolinlegodrums 0:01:42 12 200 2015-05-10 Favorite Share Remix 27 opdracht 3 hoofdstuk 2 djdynamite uncategorized 0:02:34 10 46 2017-03-09 Favorite Share Remix 28 Modern_Africa tijn2003 uncategorized 0:01:27 7 70 2016-04-19 Favorite Share Remix 29 nature Yetl12 uncategorized nature forest river animals jungle sea birds popmusic 0:02:50 3 47 2016-04-11 Favorite Share Remix 30 boom clap kors124 uncategorized 0:00:32 2 18 2015-07-09 Favorite Share Remix 31 OPDRACHT 3 DJFlyWays uncategorized 0:02:28 7 42 2016-11-25 Favorite Share Remix 32 the beginning gabruh uncategorized 0:02:22 2 46 2016-12-02 Favorite Share Remix