allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 dariacore Client 1 Experimental 0:01:13 73 1450 2024-07-29 Favorite Share 2 po9t tries dariacore jejaye 1 Pop poprapremix compvocalspo9tremix 0:00:35 61 1291 19 days ago Favorite Share 3 first attempt at dariacore w/ Chronoes [WIP] 7rixusChonoes 1 EDM dariacorehyperpop 0:02:09 42 881 2024-05-21 Favorite Share 4 dariacore but not distorted jejaye Experimental dariacore 0:00:57 8 94 2023-01-19 Favorite Share Remix 5 i think ive learned proper dariacore chords Jonas 8 EDM dariacore 0:00:26 10 165 2025-01-09 Favorite Share Remix 6 school chromebook dariacore ⌈CS⌋ totallynotashes Other dariacorehyperpop 0:01:58 6 46 2023-01-15 Favorite Share Remix 7 the night out on meth ChonoesJonas 1 EDM dariacore 0:02:15 35 1064 2024-06-20 Favorite Share Remix 8 audiotoolcore section yito ☮ 1 EDM dariacore 0:02:32 45 690 2023-08-23 Favorite Share Remix 9 backin it up Chonoes 2 Experimental po9tjerseydariacore 0:01:31 37 479 2024-04-28 Favorite Share Remix 10 flawless Chonoes 1 EDM dariacorepo9tremix 0:01:37 60 916 16 days ago Favorite Share Remix 11 jeans jejaye 2 Pop hyperpopglitchcoredariacorehyperglitch 0:01:17 59 630 9 days ago Favorite Share Remix 12 draft dump (rip dance music dariacore) Jonas Newbie 0:00:30 3 25 2024-09-08 Favorite Share Remix 13 S1 E1: Daddy! I'm a Zombie! Vrixr 2 Experimental dixiecoredariacoreatd24 0:01:55 30 375 2024-12-19 Favorite Share Remix 14 omg!!! vicky is soooo icky,,, (draft) floooomyFASTKA$HRACK. Newbie dariacoreexperimental 0:01:22 13 104 2022-09-04 Favorite Share 15 HYPERFLIP elow 2 EDM idk 0:00:49 26 225 2024-12-17 Favorite Share 16 yeah. titik Experimental dariacorekwipc 0:03:52 11 48 2023-12-11 Favorite Share Remix 17 and before that episode Other hyperpopdariacoredigicore 0:01:41 17 177 2023-06-09 Favorite Share 18 crazy [intro] jejaye Drum & Bass crazydistorteddariacore 0:00:48 15 88 2022-12-22 Favorite Share 19 foto dujon Jonas Experimental future jukedariacoreremix 0:01:55 12 133 2024-10-07 Favorite Share Remix 20 she felt like dying .. (bad) but now she feels like dying !! (good) Jonas 4 EDM bouncehop in the ventdariacore 0:01:05 11 133 2024-08-03 Favorite Share Remix 21 SILLYROOM Jonas 5 Birdcore jerkosamasonjerseydariacore 0:01:30 3 72 2025-02-04 Favorite Share Remix 22 sugar [doodle] jejaye Experimental dariacore1st attempt 0:00:54 6 36 2022-10-15 Favorite Share Remix 23 Rainbowdash F6CK (On FL)(coming back) Trap hiphoptrapdariacorehyperpopbirdcore 0:01:17 9 38 2023-06-06 Favorite Share 24 lmao your very funny xxskvllyxx Experimental dariacore 0:01:18 2 15 2023-01-05 Favorite Share 25 ROB ZOMBIE - SICK BUBBLEGUM (eliiah "gubstep dubste" remix) elii4h Electro dariacoredubstepgubstepskrillexballsballscore 0:02:41 12 77 2022-05-02 Favorite Share 26 cory is finally back sin. (B.T.D) Newbie jerseydariacoregoofy 0:01:25 4 27 2024-12-14 Favorite Share Remix 27 i fucking hate everyone here <3 floooomy Trap yameiileroydariacoregecs 0:01:13 4 35 2022-11-28 Favorite Share 28 PONPONPON SO KAWAII!!! DESUUU!!! floooomy Newbie cutedariacorememeponponpon 0:01:16 5 30 2022-10-10 Favorite Share Remix 29 endermen were meant to be a black stereotype sin. (B.T.D) Newbie jerseydariacoreaudiotool day 0:01:48 2 30 2024-11-26 Favorite Share Remix 30 PIMV wyishecray Techno rapbeabeautifultrapdubsdubstepdariacore 0:02:24 2 17 2023-06-01 Favorite Share Remix 31 no free beats srgsgsh Newbie nofreebeatsdariacoreknifes 0:00:16 1 16 2022-07-24 Favorite Share 32 Crusher wyishecray House housedubdub technodariacorehardhard house 0:03:28 1 23 2023-05-29 Favorite Share Remix